2. Getting Started

This Notebook will go through all major steps of creating a climate scenario using xscen. These steps are:

  • search_data_catalogs to find a subset of datasets that match a given project’s requirements.

  • extract_dataset to extract them.

  • regrid_dataset to regrid all data to a common grid.

  • train and adjust to bias correct the raw simulations.

  • compute_indicators to compute a list of indicators.

  • climatological_op and spatial_mean for spatio-temporal aggregation.

  • compute_deltas to compute deltas.

  • ensemble_stats for ensemble statistics.

  • clean_up for minor adjustments that have to be made in preparation for the final product.

2.1. Initialisation

Typically, the first step should be to create a new ProjectCatalog to store the files that will be created during the process. More details on basic usage are provided in the Catalogs Notebook.

from pathlib import Path

import xscen as xs

# Folder where to put the data
output_folder = Path().absolute() / "_data"

project = {
    "title": "example-gettingstarted",
    "description": "This is an example catalog for xscen's documentation.",

pcat = xs.ProjectCatalog(
    str(output_folder / "example-gettingstarted.json"),
/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/xscen/conda/v0.8.2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/clisops/core/regrid.py:42: UserWarning: xarray version >= 2023.03.0 is not supported for regridding operations with cf-time indexed arrays. Please use xarray version < 2023.03.0. For more information, see: https://github.com/pydata/xarray/issues/7794.
Successfully wrote ESM catalog json file to: file:///home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/xscen/checkouts/v0.8.2/docs/notebooks/_data/example-gettingstarted.json
ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_create_from_database: Open of /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/xscen/conda/v0.8.2/share/proj failed

2.1.1. Searching a subset of datasets within DataCatalogs


At this stage, the search criteria should be for variables that will be bias corrected, not necessarily the variables required for the final product. For example, if sfcWindfromdir is the final product, then uas and vas should be searched for since these are the variables that will be bias corrected.

xs.search_data_catalogs is used to consult a list of DataCatalogs and find a subset of datasets that match given search parameters. More details on that function and possible usage are given in the Understanding Catalogs Notebook.

The function also plays the double role of preparing certain arguments for the extraction function, as detailed in the relevant section of this tutorial.

Due to how different reference datasets are from climate simulations, this function might have to be called multiple times and the results concatenated into a single dictionary.

For the purpose of this tutorial, temperatures and the land fraction from NorESM2-MM will be used:

variables_and_freqs = {"tas": "D", "sftlf": "fx"}
other_search_criteria = {
    "source": ["NorESM2-MM"],
    "processing_level": ["raw"],
    "experiment": "ssp245",

cat_sim = xs.search_data_catalogs(
    data_catalogs=[str(output_folder / "tutorial-catalog.json")],
    periods=[2001, 2002],

INFO:xscen.extract:Catalog opened: <tutorial-catalog catalog with 10 dataset(s) from 10 asset(s)> from 1 files.
INFO:xscen.extract:Dispatching historical dataset to future experiments.
INFO:xscen.extract:4 assets matched the criteria : {'source': ['NorESM2-MM'], 'processing_level': ['raw'], 'experiment': 'ssp245'}.
INFO:xscen.extract:Iterating over 2 potential datasets.
/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/xscen/conda/v0.8.2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/xscen/extract.py:863: FutureWarning: The default of observed=False is deprecated and will be changed to True in a future version of pandas. Pass observed=False to retain current behavior or observed=True to adopt the future default and silence this warning.
/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/xscen/conda/v0.8.2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/xscen/extract.py:863: FutureWarning: The default of observed=False is deprecated and will be changed to True in a future version of pandas. Pass observed=False to retain current behavior or observed=True to adopt the future default and silence this warning.
INFO:xscen.extract:Found 2 with all variables requested and corresponding to the criteria.
{'CMIP6_ScenarioMIP_NCC_NorESM2-MM_ssp245_r2i1p1f1_example-region': <tutorial-catalog catalog with 2 dataset(s) from 2 asset(s)>,
 'CMIP6_ScenarioMIP_NCC_NorESM2-MM_ssp245_r1i1p1f1_example-region': <tutorial-catalog catalog with 2 dataset(s) from 2 asset(s)>}

The result of search_data_catalog is a dictionary with one entry per unique ID. Note that a unique ID can be associated to multiple intake datasets, as is the case here, because intake-esm groups catalog lines per id - domain - processing_level - xrfeq.

id type processing_level bias_adjust_institution bias_adjust_project mip_era activity driving_model institution source ... member xrfreq frequency variable domain date_start date_end version format path
0 CMIP6_ScenarioMIP_NCC_NorESM2-MM_ssp245_r1i1p1... simulation raw NaN NaN CMIP6 ScenarioMIP NaN NCC NorESM2-MM ... r1i1p1f1 D day (tas,) example-region 2001-01-01 2002-12-31 NaN nc /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_buil...
1 CMIP6_ScenarioMIP_NCC_NorESM2-MM_ssp245_r1i1p1... simulation raw NaN NaN CMIP6 ScenarioMIP NaN NCC NorESM2-MM ... r1i1p1f1 fx fx (sftlf,) example-region NaT NaT NaN nc /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_buil...

2 rows × 21 columns

2.2. Extracting data


It is heavily recommended to stop and analyse the results of search_data_catalogs before proceeding to the extraction function.

2.2.1. Defining the region

The region for a given project is defined using a dictionary with the relevant information to be used by clisops.core.subset. The required fields are as follows:

region =

"name": str,                    {this will overwrite the *domain* column in the catalog}
"method": str,                  [gridpoint, bbox, shape, sel]
"tile_buffer": float,    {approximate number of pixels used to expand the domain based on model resolution}
**kwargs                        {other arguments to send `clisops`}

The argument tile_buffer (optional) is used to apply a buffer zone around the region that is adjusted dynamically according to model resolution during the extraction process (for bbox and shape only). This is useful to make sure that grid cells that only partially cover the region are selected too.

The documentation for the supported subsetting methods are in the following links:

region = {
    "name": "example-region",
    "method": "bbox",
    "tile_buffer": 1.5,
    "lon_bnds": [-75, -74],
    "lat_bnds": [45, 46],

2.2.2. Preparing arguments for xarray

xscen makes use of intake_esm’s to_dataset_dict() for the extraction process, which will automatically compute missing variables as required. Also, this function manages Catalogs, IDs, and both NetCDF and Zarr files seamlessly. When the catalog is made of a single dataset, to_dataset() can be used instead to directly obtain an xr.Dataset instead of a dictionary.

There are a few key differences compared to using xarray directly, one of which being that it uses xr.open_dataset, even when multiple files are involved, with a subsequent call to xr.combine_by_coords. Kwargs are therefore separated in two:

  • xr_open_kwargs is used for optional arguments in xarray.open_dataset.

  • xr_combine_kwargs is used for optional arguments in xarray.combine_by_coords.

More information on possible kwargs can be obtained here: xarray.open_dataset & xarray.combine_by_coords

# Kwargs for xr.open_dataset
xr_open_kwargs = {"drop_variables": ["height", "time_bnds"], "engine": "h5netcdf"}

# Kwargs for xr.combine_by_coords
xr_combine_kwargs = {"data_vars": "minimal"}

2.2.3. Extraction function

Extraction is done on each dataset by calling xs.extract_dataset(). Since the output could have multiple frequencies, the function returns a python dictionary with keys following the output frequency.

  • catalog is the DataCatalog to extract.

  • variables_and_freqs is the same as previously used for search_data_catalogs.

  • periods is used to extract specific time periods.

  • to_level will change the processing_level of the output. Defaults to “extracted”.

  • region, xr_open_kwargs, and xr_combine_kwargs are described above.

NOTE: Calling the extraction function without passing by search_data_catalogs beforehand is possible, but will not support DerivedVariables.


extract_dataset currently only accepts a single unique ID at a time.

# Example with a single simulation
ds_dict = xs.extract_dataset(
    periods=[2001, 2002],


--> The keys in the returned dictionary of datasets are constructed as follows:
100.00% [2/2 00:00<00:00]
/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/xscen/conda/v0.8.2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/xscen/extract.py:213: FutureWarning: unique with argument that is not not a Series, Index, ExtensionArray, or np.ndarray is deprecated and will raise in a future version.
{'D': <xarray.Dataset>
 Dimensions:  (time: 730, lat: 3, lon: 2)
   * time     (time) datetime64[ns] 2001-01-01 2001-01-02 ... 2002-12-31
   * lat      (lat) float64 45.0 46.5 48.0
   * lon      (lon) int64 -75 -74
 Data variables:
     tas      (time, lat, lon) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(730, 3, 2), meta=np.ndarray>
 Attributes: (12/22)
     comment:                 This is a test file created for the xscen tutori...
     version:                 v20191108
     intake_esm_vars:         ['tas']
     cat:id:                  CMIP6_ScenarioMIP_NCC_NorESM2-MM_ssp245_r1i1p1f1...
     cat:type:                simulation
     cat:processing_level:    extracted
     ...                      ...
     cat:date_start:          2001-01-01 00:00:00
     cat:date_end:            2002-12-31 00:00:00
     cat:_data_format_:       nc
     cat:path:                /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds...
     intake_esm_dataset_key:  CMIP6_ScenarioMIP_NCC_NorESM2-MM_ssp245_r1i1p1f1...
     history:                 [2024-02-12 21:49:54] bbox spatial subsetting wi...,
 'fx': <xarray.Dataset>
 Dimensions:  (lat: 3, lon: 2)
   * lat      (lat) float64 45.0 46.5 48.0
   * lon      (lon) int64 -75 -74
 Data variables:
     sftlf    (lat, lon) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(3, 2), meta=np.ndarray>
 Attributes: (12/20)
     comment:                 This is a test file created for the xscen tutori...
     version:                 v20200702
     intake_esm_vars:         ['sftlf']
     cat:id:                  CMIP6_ScenarioMIP_NCC_NorESM2-MM_ssp245_r1i1p1f1...
     cat:type:                simulation
     cat:processing_level:    extracted
     ...                      ...
     cat:variable:            sftlf
     cat:domain:              example-region
     cat:_data_format_:       nc
     cat:path:                /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds...
     intake_esm_dataset_key:  CMIP6_ScenarioMIP_NCC_NorESM2-MM_ssp245_r1i1p1f1...
     history:                 [2024-02-12 21:49:54] bbox spatial subsetting wi...}

2.2.4. Saving files to disk

extract_dataset does not actually save anything to disk. It simply opens and prepares the files as per requested, using lazy computing. The result is a python dictionary containing the results, separated per xrfreq.

xscen has two functions for the purpose of saving data: save_to_netcdf and save_to_zarr. If possible for a given project, it is strongly recommended to use Zarr files since these are often orders of magnitude faster to read and create compared to NetCDF. They do have a few quirks, however:

  • Chunk size must separate the dataset in exactly equal chunks (with the exception of the last). While it is recommended to calculate ideal chunking and provide them explicitely to the function, io.estimate_chunks() can be used to automatically estimate a decent chunking. In a similar way, io.subset_maxsize() can be used to roughly cut a dataset along the time dimension into subsets of a given size (in Gb), which is especially useful for saving NetCDF files. Chunk sizes can be passed to the two saving functions in a dictionary. Spatial dimensions can be generalized as 'X' and 'Y', which will be mapped to the xarray.Dataset’s actual grid type’s dimension names.

  • Default behaviour for a Zarr is to act like a directory, with each new variable being assigned a subfolder. This is great when all required variables have the same dimensions and frequency, but will crash otherwise. If you have daily tasmax and subdaily pr, for example, they need to be assigned different paths. Updating the catalog

intake-esm will automatically copy the catalog’s entry in the dataset’s metadata, with a cat:attr format. Where appropriate, xscen updates that information to keep the metadata up to date with the manipulations. ProjectCatalog.update_from_ds will in turn read the metadata of a Dataset and fill in the information into a new catalog entry.

This loop means that upon completing a step in the creation of a climate scenario, ProjectCatalog.update_from_ds() can be called to update the catalog.

for ds in ds_dict.values():
    filename = str(
        / f"{ds.attrs['cat:id']}.{ds.attrs['cat:domain']}.{ds.attrs['cat:processing_level']}.{ds.attrs['cat:frequency']}.zarr"
    chunks = xs.io.estimate_chunks(ds, dims=["time"], target_mb=50)
    xs.save_to_zarr(ds, filename, rechunk=chunks, mode="o")

    # Strongly suggested to update the project catalog AFTER you save to disk, in case it crashes during the process
    pcat.update_from_ds(ds=ds, path=filename, info_dict={"format": "zarr"})

id type processing_level bias_adjust_institution bias_adjust_project mip_era activity driving_model institution source ... member xrfreq frequency variable domain date_start date_end version format path
0 CMIP6_ScenarioMIP_NCC_NorESM2-MM_ssp245_r1i1p1... simulation extracted NaN NaN CMIP6 ScenarioMIP NaN NCC NorESM2-MM ... r1i1p1f1 D day (tas,) example-region 2001-01-01 00:00:00 2002-12-31 00:00:00 NaN zarr /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_buil...
1 CMIP6_ScenarioMIP_NCC_NorESM2-MM_ssp245_r1i1p1... simulation extracted NaN NaN CMIP6 ScenarioMIP NaN NCC NorESM2-MM ... r1i1p1f1 fx fx (sftlf,) example-region NaN NaN NaN zarr /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_buil...

2 rows × 21 columns

2.2.5. Simplifying the call to extract_dataset() with search_data_catalogs()

When a catalog was produced using search_data_catalogs, xscen will automatically save the requested periods and frequencies, in addition to DerivedVariables. This means that these items do not need to be included during the call to extract_dataset and make it possible to extract datasets that have different requirements (such as reference datasets and future simulations).

[['2001', '2002']]
['tas', 'sftlf']
['D', 'fx']

Since cat_sim contains multiple datasets, extracting the data should be done by looping on .items() or .values(). Also, since ‘CMIP6_ScenarioMIP_NCC_NorESM2-MM_ssp126_r1i1p1f1_example-region’ was extracted in the previous step, pcat.exists_in_cat can be used to skip re-extracting.

for key, dc in cat_sim.items():
    if not pcat.exists_in_cat(id=key, processing_level="extracted"):
        dset_dict = xs.extract_dataset(

        for ds in dset_dict.values():
            filename = str(
                / f"{ds.attrs['cat:id']}.{ds.attrs['cat:domain']}.{ds.attrs['cat:processing_level']}.{ds.attrs['cat:frequency']}.zarr"
            chunks = xs.io.estimate_chunks(ds, dims=["time"], target_mb=50)
            xs.save_to_zarr(ds, filename, rechunk=chunks, mode="o")

            # Strongly suggested to update the project catalog AFTER you save to disk, in case it crashes during the process
            pcat.update_from_ds(ds=ds, path=filename, info_dict={"format": "zarr"})

--> The keys in the returned dictionary of datasets are constructed as follows:
100.00% [2/2 00:00<00:00]
/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/xscen/conda/v0.8.2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/xscen/extract.py:213: FutureWarning: unique with argument that is not not a Series, Index, ExtensionArray, or np.ndarray is deprecated and will raise in a future version.
INFO:xscen.catalog:An entry exists for: {'id': 'CMIP6_ScenarioMIP_NCC_NorESM2-MM_ssp245_r1i1p1f1_example-region', 'processing_level': 'extracted'}

2.3. Regridding data


Regridding in xscen is built upon xESMF. For more information on basic usage and available regridding methods, please consult their documentation. Their masking and extrapolation tutorial is of particular interest.

More details on the regridding functions themselves can be found within the ESMPy and ESMF documentation.

The only requirement for using datasets in xESMF is that they contain lon and lat, with mask as an optional data variable. Using these, the package can manage both regular and rotated grids. The main advantage of xESMF compared to other tools such as scipy’s griddata, in addition to the fact that the methods are climate science-based, is that the transformation weights are calculated once and broadcasted on the time dimension.

2.3.1. Preparing the destination grid

xscen currently does not explicitely support any function to create a destination grid. If required, however, xESMF itself has utilities that can easily create custom regular grids, such as xesmf.util.cf_grid_2d.

import xesmf

ds_grid = xesmf.util.cf_grid_2d(-75, -74, 0.25, 45, 48, 0.55)

# cf_grid_2d does not set the 'axis' attribute
ds_grid["lon"].attrs["axis"] = "X"
ds_grid["lat"].attrs["axis"] = "Y"

# xscen will use the domain to re-assign attributes, so it is important to set it up for custom grids like this
ds_grid.attrs["cat:domain"] = "finer-grid"
Dimensions:             (lon: 4, bound: 2, lat: 5)
  * lon                 (lon) float64 -74.88 -74.62 -74.38 -74.12
  * lat                 (lat) float64 45.27 45.82 46.37 46.92 47.47
    latitude_longitude  float64 nan
Dimensions without coordinates: bound
Data variables:
    lon_bounds          (lon, bound) float64 -75.0 -74.75 ... -74.25 -74.0
    lat_bounds          (lat, bound) float64 45.0 45.55 45.55 ... 47.2 47.75
    cat:domain:  finer-grid

2.3.2. Masking grid cells

Masks can be used on both the original grid and the destination grid to ignore certain grid cells during the regridding process. These masks follow the ESMF convention, meaning that the mask is a variable within the Dataset, named mask and comprised of 0 and 1.

xs.create_mask will create an adequate DataArray, following the instructions given by mask_args. In the case of variables that have a time component, the first timestep will be chosen.

   - 'variable'         (optional)
   - 'where_operator'   (optional)
   - 'where_threshold'  (optional)
   - 'mask_nans': bool
# Will mask all pixels that do not match these requirements (at least 25% land)
mask_args = {
    "variable": "sftlf",
    "where_operator": ">",
    "where_threshold": 25,
    "mask_nans": True,

# to_dataset() will open the dataset, as long as the search() gave a single result.
ds_example = pcat.search(

# Masking function
ds_example["mask"] = xs.create_mask(ds_example, mask_args=mask_args)
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Plot sftlf
ax = plt.subplot(121)

# Plot the mask
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'mask')

2.3.3. Preparing arguments for xESMF.Regridder


xESMF’s API appears to be broken on their ReadTheDocs. For a list of available arguments and options in Regridder(), please consult their Github page directly.

xESMF.Regridder is the main utility that computes the transformation weights and performs the regridding. It is supported by many optional arguments and methods, which can be called in xscen through regridder_kwargs.

Available options are:

 method: str
     Regridding method. More details are given within the ESMF documentation and xESMF tutorials.
    - 'bilinear'  (Default)
    - 'nearest_s2d'
    - 'nearest_d2s'
    - 'conservative'
    - 'conservative_normed'
    - 'patch'

extrap_method: str
    Extrapolation method. Defaults to None.
    - 'inverse_dist'
    - 'nearest_s2d'

extrap_dist_exponent: float
    Exponent to raise the distance to when calculating weights for extrapolation.
    Defaults to 2.0.

extrap_num_src_pnts : int, optional
    The number of source points to use for the extrapolation methods that use more than one source point.
    Defaults to 8

unmapped_to_nan: boolean, optional
    Set values of unmapped points to `np.nan` instead of the ESMF default of 0.
    Defaults to True.

periodic: boolean, optional
    Only really useful for global grids with non-conservative regridding.

Other options exist in ESMF/ESMPy, but not xESMF. As they get implemented, they should automatically get supported by xscen.


Some utilities that exist in xESMF have not yet been explicitely added to xscen. If conservative regridding is desired, for instance, some additional scripts might be required on the User’s side to create the lon/lat boundaries

regridder_kwargs = {"extrap_method": "inverse_dist"}

2.3.4. Regridding function

Regridding for a Dataset is done through xs.regrid_dataset, which manages calls to xESMF.Regridder and makes sure that the output is CF-compliant.

  • weights_location provides a path where to save the regridding weights (NetCDF file). This file (alongside reuse_weights=True) is used by xESMF to reuse the transformation weights between datasets that are deemed to have the same grid and vastly improve the speed of the function.

  • intermediate_grids can be called to perform the regridding process in multiple steps. This is recommended when the jump in resolution is very high between the original and destination grid (e.g. from 3° to 0.08°).

  • ds_grid & regridder_kwargs are described above.

# to_dataset_dict() is called to cast the search results as xr.Dataset objects
# frequency="^(?!fx$).*$" is used to exclude fixed fields from the results
ds_dict = pcat.search(
    processing_level="extracted", frequency="^(?!fx$).*$", domain="example-region"

mask_args = {
    "variable": "sftlf",
    "where_operator": ">",
    "where_threshold": 25,
    "mask_nans": True,

for ds in ds_dict.values():
    # Add a mask on the original grid.
    ds["mask"] = xs.create_mask(
            id=ds.attrs["cat:id"], processing_level="extracted", variable="sftlf"

    # Regridding function
    ds_regrid = xs.regrid_dataset(
        weights_location=str(output_folder / "gs-weights"),

    # Save to zarr
    filename = str(
        / f"{ds_regrid.attrs['cat:id']}.{ds_regrid.attrs['cat:domain']}.{ds_regrid.attrs['cat:processing_level']}.{ds_regrid.attrs['cat:frequency']}.zarr"
    chunks = xs.io.estimate_chunks(ds, dims=["time"], target_mb=50)
    xs.save_to_zarr(ds=ds_regrid, filename=filename, rechunk=chunks, mode="o")
    pcat.update_from_ds(ds_regrid, path=filename, format="zarr")

--> The keys in the returned dictionary of datasets are constructed as follows:
100.00% [2/2 00:00<00:00]
import matplotlib.patches as patches

plt.figure(figsize=[15, 5])

vmin = float(ds.tas.isel(time=0).min())
vmax = float(ds.tas.isel(time=0).max())

ax = plt.subplot(131)
ds.tas.isel(time=0).plot.imshow(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
plt.title("tas: original grid")
rect = patches.Rectangle(
    (-75, 45), 1, 2.75, linewidth=1, edgecolor="r", facecolor="none"

ax = plt.subplot(132)
(ds.tas.isel(time=0).where(ds.mask == 1)).plot.imshow(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
rect = patches.Rectangle(
    (-75, 45), 1, 2.75, linewidth=1, edgecolor="r", facecolor="none"
plt.title("tas: original + mask")

ds_regrid.tas.isel(time=0).plot.imshow(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
plt.title("tas: regridded with mask + extrapolation")

2.4. Bias adjusting data


Bias adjustment in xscen is built upon xclim.sdba. For more information on basic usage and available methods, please consult their documentation.

2.4.1. Preparing arguments for xclim.sdba

Many optional arguments are used by xclim.sdba during the training and adjustment processes. These options heavily depend on the bias adjustment method used, so it is recommended to consult their documentation before proceeeding further.

These arguments can be sent by using xclim_train_kwargs and xclim_adjust_kwargs during the call to xs.train and xs.adjust respectively.

xclim_train_args = {"kind": "+", "nquantiles": 50}

xclim_adjust_args = {"detrend": 3, "interp": "linear", "extrapolation": "constant"}

2.4.2. Bias adjustment function

Bias adjustment is done through xs.train and xs.adjust. They are kept separate to account for cases where a voluminous dataset would require saving after the training step.

The arguments to train() are:

  • dref and dhist indicate the reference and historical datasets.

  • var indicates which variable to bias correct.

  • period defines the period used for building the transfer function.

  • method indicates which bias adjusting method to call within xclim.sdba.

  • maximal_calendar instructs on which calendar to use, following this hierarchy: 360_day < noleap < standard < all_leap

  • adapt_freq is used for bias adjusting the frequency of dry/wet days (precipitation only).

  • jitter_under adds a random noise under a given threshold.

  • jitter_overadds a random noise over a given threshold.

  • xclim_train_kwargs is described above.

The arguments to adjust() are:

  • dtrain is the result of biasadjust.train.

  • dsim is the simulation to bias adjust.

  • periods defines the period(s) to bias adjust.

  • xclim_adjust_kwargs is described above.


These functions currently do not support multiple variables due to the fact that train and adjust arguments might vary. The function must be called separately for every variable.

ds_dict = pcat.search(processing_level="regridded").to_dataset_dict()

# # Open the reference dataset, in this case ERA5-Land
ds_ref = pcat.search(processing_level="extracted", source="ERA5-Land").to_dataset()

# Currently, only a single variable can be bias adjusted at a time
variables = ["tas"]
for v in variables:
    for ds in ds_dict.values():
        # Train
        ds_train = xs.train(
            period=["1981", "2010"],

        # Adjust
        ds_adj = xs.adjust(
            periods=["1981", "2050"],
            bias_adjust_institution="Ouranos",  # add new attribute cat:bias_adjust_institution
            bias_adjust_project="xscen-tutorial",  # add new attribute cat:bias_adjust_project

        # Save to zarr
        filename = str(
            / f"{ds_adj.attrs['cat:id']}.{ds_adj.attrs['cat:domain']}.{ds_adj.attrs['cat:processing_level']}.{ds_adj.attrs['cat:frequency']}.zarr"
        chunks = xs.io.estimate_chunks(ds_adj, dims=["time"], target_mb=50)
        xs.save_to_zarr(ds=ds_adj, filename=filename, rechunk=chunks, mode="o")
        pcat.update_from_ds(ds_adj, path=filename, format="zarr")

--> The keys in the returned dictionary of datasets are constructed as follows:
100.00% [2/2 00:00<00:00]
ds = pcat.search(
ds_adj = pcat.search(

vmin = min(
        float(ds_ref.tas.sel(time=slice("1981", "2010")).mean(dim="time").min()),
        float(ds.tas.sel(time=slice("1981", "2010")).mean(dim="time").min()),
vmax = max(
        float(ds_ref.tas.sel(time=slice("1981", "2010")).mean(dim="time").max()),
        float(ds.tas.sel(time=slice("1981", "2010")).mean(dim="time").max()),

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
ds_ref.tas.sel(time=slice("1981", "2010")).mean(dim="time").transpose(
    "lat", ...
).plot.imshow(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
plt.title("tas - Ref")

ds.tas.sel(time=slice("1981", "2010")).mean(dim="time").transpose(
    "lat", ...
).plot.imshow(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
plt.title("tas - Raw")

ds_adj.tas.sel(time=slice("1981", "2010")).mean(dim="time").transpose(
    "lat", ...
).plot.imshow(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
plt.title("tas - Bias adjusted")

    ds_adj.tas.sel(time=slice("1981", "2010")).mean(dim="time")
    - ds_ref.tas.sel(time=slice("1981", "2010")).mean(dim="time")
).transpose("lat", ...).plot.imshow(vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap="RdBu_r")
plt.title("Bias (°C)")

2.5. Computing indicators


xscen relies heavily on xclim’s YAML support for calculating indicators. For more information on how to build the YAML file, consult this Notebook.

xs.compute_indicators makes use of xclim’s indicator modules functionalities to compute a given list of indicators. It is called by either using:

  • The path to a YAML file structured in a way compatible with xclim’s build_indicator_module_from_yaml

  • An indicator module directly

  • A sequence of indicators

  • A sequence of tuples as returned by calling iter_indicators() on an indicator module.

Same as the extraction function, since the output could have multiple frequencies, the function returns a python dictionary with the output frequency as keys. The inputs of xs.compute_indicators are:

  • ds is the xr.Dataset containing the required variables.

  • indicators instructs on which indicator(s) to compute. It can be a number of things, as listed above.

  • periods is a list of [start, end] of continuous periods to be considered.

This example will use a simple YAML file structured like this:

realm: atmos
    base: growing_degree_days
    base: tg_min
ds_dict = pcat.search(processing_level="biasadjusted").to_dataset_dict()

for ds in ds_dict.values():
    # Output is dict, but it has only one frequency.
    _, ds_ind = xs.compute_indicators(
        indicators=Path().absolute() / "samples" / "indicators.yml",

    # Save the results
    filename = str(
        / f"{ds_ind.attrs['cat:id']}.{ds_ind.attrs['cat:domain']}.{ds_ind.attrs['cat:processing_level']}.{ds_ind.attrs['cat:frequency']}.zarr"
    chunks = xs.io.estimate_chunks(ds, dims=["time"], target_mb=50)
    xs.save_to_zarr(ds_ind, filename, rechunk=chunks, mode="o")

    # Strongly suggested to update the project catalog AFTER you save to disk, in case it crashes during the process
    pcat.update_from_ds(ds=ds_ind, path=filename, format="zarr")

--> The keys in the returned dictionary of datasets are constructed as follows:
100.00% [2/2 00:00<00:00]
INFO:xscen.indicators:1 - Computing growing_degree_days.
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is None
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:_choose_engine: Choosing 'flox'
INFO:flox:find_group_cohorts: blockwise is preferred.
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is None
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:_choose_engine: Choosing 'flox'
INFO:flox:find_group_cohorts: blockwise is preferred.
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is None
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:_choose_engine: Choosing 'flox'
INFO:flox:find_group_cohorts: blockwise is preferred.
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is None
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:_choose_engine: Choosing 'flox'
INFO:flox:find_group_cohorts: blockwise is preferred.
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:xscen.indicators:2 - Computing tg_min.
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is None
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:_choose_engine: Choosing 'flox'
INFO:flox:find_group_cohorts: blockwise is preferred.
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is None
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:_choose_engine: Choosing 'flox'
INFO:flox:find_group_cohorts: blockwise is preferred.
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is None
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:_choose_engine: Choosing 'flox'
INFO:flox:find_group_cohorts: blockwise is preferred.
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is None
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:_choose_engine: Choosing 'flox'
INFO:flox:find_group_cohorts: blockwise is preferred.
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:xscen.indicators:1 - Computing growing_degree_days.
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is None
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:_choose_engine: Choosing 'flox'
INFO:flox:find_group_cohorts: blockwise is preferred.
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is None
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:_choose_engine: Choosing 'flox'
INFO:flox:find_group_cohorts: blockwise is preferred.
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is None
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:_choose_engine: Choosing 'flox'
INFO:flox:find_group_cohorts: blockwise is preferred.
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is None
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:_choose_engine: Choosing 'flox'
INFO:flox:find_group_cohorts: blockwise is preferred.
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:xscen.indicators:2 - Computing tg_min.
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is None
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:_choose_engine: Choosing 'flox'
INFO:flox:find_group_cohorts: blockwise is preferred.
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is None
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:_choose_engine: Choosing 'flox'
INFO:flox:find_group_cohorts: blockwise is preferred.
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is None
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:_choose_engine: Choosing 'flox'
INFO:flox:find_group_cohorts: blockwise is preferred.
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is None
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:_choose_engine: Choosing 'flox'
INFO:flox:find_group_cohorts: blockwise is preferred.
INFO:flox:Entering _validate_reindex: reindex is False
INFO:flox:Leaving _validate_reindex: reindex is False
Dimensions:              (lat: 5, lon: 4, time: 70)
  * lat                  (lat) float64 45.27 45.82 46.37 46.92 47.47
  * lon                  (lon) float64 -74.88 -74.62 -74.38 -74.12
  * time                 (time) object 1981-01-01 00:00:00 ... 2050-01-01 00:...
Data variables:
    growing_degree_days  (lon, lat, time) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(4, 5, 70), meta=np.ndarray>
    tg_min               (lon, lat, time) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(4, 5, 70), meta=np.ndarray>
Attributes: (12/25)
    cat:_data_format_:            zarr
    cat:activity:                 ScenarioMIP
    cat:bias_adjust_institution:  Ouranos
    cat:bias_adjust_project:      xscen-tutorial
    cat:date_end:                 2050-12-31 00:00:00
    cat:date_start:               1981-01-01 00:00:00
    ...                           ...
    comment:                      This is a test file created for the xscen t...
    history:                      [2024-02-12 21:49:59] regridded with argume...
    intake_esm_dataset_key:       CMIP6_ScenarioMIP_NCC_NorESM2-MM_ssp245_r2i...
    intake_esm_vars:              ('tas',)
    regrid_method:                bilinear
    version:                      v20191108

2.6. Spatio-temporal aggregation

2.6.1. Climatological operations

xs.climatological_op is used to perform n-year operations over ds.time.dt.year.

NOTE: The aggregation is over year, not over time. For example, if given monthly data, the climatological operation will be computed separately for January, February, etc. This means that the data should already be aggregated at the required frequency, for example using xs.compute_indicators to compute yearly, seasonal, or monthly indicators.

The function call requires a xr.Dataset and argument op specifies the operation to perform. It can be any of the following: ['max', 'mean', 'median', 'min', 'std', 'sum', 'var', 'linregress'].

The optional arguments are as follows:

  • window indicates how many year to use for the average. Uses all available years by default.

  • min_period minimum number of years required for a value to be computed durring the rolling operation.

  • stride indicates the stride (in years) at which to provide an output.

  • periods is a list of [start, end] of continuous periods to be considered.

Additional arguments allow to control the output of the function by automatically renaming variables to reflect the operation performed, restructuring the output dataset and setting the to_level attribute.

In the following example, we will use op='mean'.

ds_dict = pcat.search(processing_level="indicators").to_dataset_dict()

for key, ds in ds_dict.items():
    ds_mean = xs.climatological_op(

    # Save to zarr
    filename = str(
        / f"{ds_mean.attrs['cat:id']}.{ds_mean.attrs['cat:domain']}.{ds_mean.attrs['cat:processing_level']}.{ds_mean.attrs['cat:frequency']}.zarr"
    xs.save_to_zarr(ds=ds_mean, filename=filename, mode="o")
    pcat.update_from_ds(ds_mean, path=filename, format="zarr")

--> The keys in the returned dictionary of datasets are constructed as follows:
100.00% [2/2 00:00<00:00]
Dimensions:              (lat: 5, lon: 4, time: 5)
  * lat                  (lat) float64 45.27 45.82 46.37 46.92 47.47
  * lon                  (lon) float64 -74.88 -74.62 -74.38 -74.12
    horizon              (time) <U9 '1981-2010' '1991-2020' ... '2021-2050'
  * time                 (time) object 1981-01-01 00:00:00 ... 2021-01-01 00:...
Data variables:
    growing_degree_days  (time, lon, lat) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(5, 4, 5), meta=np.ndarray>
    tg_min               (time, lon, lat) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(5, 4, 5), meta=np.ndarray>
Attributes: (12/25)
    cat:_data_format_:            zarr
    cat:activity:                 ScenarioMIP
    cat:bias_adjust_institution:  Ouranos
    cat:bias_adjust_project:      xscen-tutorial
    cat:date_end:                 2050-01-01 00:00:00
    cat:date_start:               1981-01-01 00:00:00
    ...                           ...
    comment:                      This is a test file created for the xscen t...
    history:                      [2024-02-12 21:49:59] regridded with argume...
    intake_esm_dataset_key:       CMIP6_ScenarioMIP_NCC_NorESM2-MM_ssp245_r1i...
    intake_esm_vars:              ('tg_min', 'growing_degree_days')
    regrid_method:                bilinear
    version:                      v20191108 Horizon coordinate and time dimension

Even if no stride is called, xs.climatological_op will substantially change the nature of the time dimension, because it now represents an aggregation over time. While no standards exist on how to reflect that in a dataset, the following was chosen for xscen:

  • time corresponds to the first timestep of each temporal average.

  • horizon is a new coordinate that either follows the format YYYY-YYYY or a warming-level specific nomenclature.

  • The cat:frequency and cat:xrfreq attributes remain unchanged.

Alternatively, setting the horizons_as_dim argument to True will rearrange the dataset with a new dimension horizon and a dimension named according to the temporal aggregation when it is month or season, but omitting the singleton dimension year. The time stamps are conserved in the time coordinate as an array with those new dimensions.

print(f"time: {ds_mean.time.values}")
print(f"horizon: {ds_mean.horizon.values}")
print(f"cat:xrfreq attribute: {ds_mean.attrs['cat:xrfreq']}")
time: [cftime.DatetimeNoLeap(1981, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, has_year_zero=True)
 cftime.DatetimeNoLeap(1991, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, has_year_zero=True)
 cftime.DatetimeNoLeap(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, has_year_zero=True)
 cftime.DatetimeNoLeap(2011, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, has_year_zero=True)
 cftime.DatetimeNoLeap(2021, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, has_year_zero=True)]
horizon: ['1981-2010' '1991-2020' '2001-2030' '2011-2040' '2021-2050']
cat:xrfreq attribute: AS-JAN

2.6.2. Computing deltas

xs.compute_deltas is pretty self-explanatory. However, note that this function relies on the horizon coordinate described above and, thus, is intended to be performed following some kind of temporal aggregation.

It has the following arguments:

  • reference_horizon indicates which horizon to use as reference.

  • kind is either “+”, “/”, or “%” for absolute, relative, or percentage deltas respectively. This argument can also be a dictionary, with the keys corresponding to data variables.

ds_dict = pcat.search(processing_level="30yr-climatology").to_dataset_dict()

for key, ds in ds_dict.items():
    ds_delta = xs.compute_deltas(
        kind={"growing_degree_days": "%", "tg_min": "+"},

    # Save to zarr
    filename = str(
        / f"{ds_delta.attrs['cat:id']}.{ds_delta.attrs['cat:domain']}.{ds_delta.attrs['cat:processing_level']}.{ds_delta.attrs['cat:frequency']}.zarr"
    chunks = xs.io.estimate_chunks(ds, dims=["time"], target_mb=50)
    xs.save_to_zarr(ds=ds_delta, filename=filename, rechunk=chunks, mode="o")
    pcat.update_from_ds(ds_delta, path=filename, format="zarr")

--> The keys in the returned dictionary of datasets are constructed as follows:
100.00% [2/2 00:00<00:00]
print(f"Deltas over {ds_delta.horizon.values}")
display(ds_delta.tg_min_delta_1981_2010.isel(lon=0, lat=0).values)
Deltas over ['1981-2010' '1991-2020' '2001-2030' '2011-2040' '2021-2050']
array([0.        , 0.47775064, 1.10851666, 2.00552566, 3.16497266])

2.6.3. Spatial mean

xs.spatial_mean is used to compute the spatial average over a given region, using various methods. The argument call_clisops can also be used to subset the domain prior to the averaging.

  • method: cos-lat will perform an average operation over the spatial dimensions, accounting for changes in grid cell area along the ‘lat’ coordinate.

  • method: interp_centroid will perform an interpolation towards given coordinates or towards the centroid of a region.

    • kwargs is used to sent arguments to .interp(), including lon and lat.

    • region can alternatively be used to send a gridpoint, bbox, or shapefile and compute the centroid. This argument is a dictionary that follows the same requirements as the one for xs.extract described previously.

  • method: xesmf will perform a call to xESMF’s SpatialAverager. This method is the most precise, especially for irregular regions, but can be much slower.

    • kwargs is used to sent arguments to xesmf.SpatialAverager.

    • region is used to send a bbox or shapefile to the SpatialAverager. This argument is a dictionary that follows the same requirements as the one for xs.extract described previously.

    • simplify_tolerance is a float that can be used to change the precision (in degree) of a shapefile before sending it to SpatialAverager.

ds_dict = pcat.search(processing_level="deltas", domain="finer-grid").to_dataset_dict()

for key, ds in ds_dict.items():
    ds_savg = xs.spatial_mean(
        kwargs={"method": "linear", "lon": -74.5, "lat": 47},

    # Save to zarr
    filename = str(
        / f"{ds_savg.attrs['cat:id']}.{ds_savg.attrs['cat:domain']}.{ds_savg.attrs['cat:processing_level']}.{ds_savg.attrs['cat:frequency']}.zarr"
    chunks = xs.io.estimate_chunks(ds, dims=["time"], target_mb=50)
    xs.save_to_zarr(ds=ds_savg, filename=filename, rechunk=chunks, mode="o")
    pcat.update_from_ds(ds_savg, path=filename, format="zarr")

--> The keys in the returned dictionary of datasets are constructed as follows:
100.00% [2/2 00:00<00:00]
# Aggregated deltas over the study area
Dimensions:                              (time: 5)
    horizon                              (time) <U9 dask.array<chunksize=(5,), meta=np.ndarray>
  * time                                 (time) object 1981-01-01 00:00:00 .....
    lon                                  float64 -74.5
    lat                                  int64 47
Data variables:
    growing_degree_days_delta_1981_2010  (time) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(5,), meta=np.ndarray>
    tg_min_delta_1981_2010               (time) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(5,), meta=np.ndarray>
Attributes: (12/25)
    cat:_data_format_:            zarr
    cat:activity:                 ScenarioMIP
    cat:bias_adjust_institution:  Ouranos
    cat:bias_adjust_project:      xscen-tutorial
    cat:date_end:                 2021-01-01 00:00:00
    cat:date_start:               1981-01-01 00:00:00
    ...                           ...
    comment:                      This is a test file created for the xscen t...
    history:                      [2024-02-12 21:50:46] xarray.interp(**{'met...
    intake_esm_dataset_key:       CMIP6_ScenarioMIP_NCC_NorESM2-MM_ssp245_r1i...
    intake_esm_vars:              ('growing_degree_days_delta_1981_2010', 'tg...
    regrid_method:                bilinear
    version:                      v20191108

2.7. Ensemble statistics

2.7.1. Weights

Typically, if an ensemble is inhomogeneous (uneven number of realizations per model, mix of GCMs and RCMs, etc.), the first step should be to call xs.generate_weights to create an adequate guess of what the weights should be between the various datasets. Do note, however, that this function does not replace an explicit assessment of the performance or independence of the simulations, and the results provided should be taken with a grain of salt.

The arguments are as follows:

  • independence_level instruct on which weighting scheme to use and strongly influences the outputs. One of ‘model’, ‘GCM’, ‘institution’.

  • experiment_weights can be used to assign a given total weight to each experiment (currently only supports giving 1 to each experiment).

  • skipna instructs on whether the weights should account for simulations with missing data.

  • v_for_skipna is the variable to use in the case of skipna=False.

  • standardize to make the weights sum to 1 for each instance of ‘horizon’ or ‘time’.


generate_weights was built with xscen in mind, and thus relies on the cat: attributes automatically generated by intake-esm when data is loaded from a catalog. In the case of data generated elsewhere, the required and recommended attributes should minimally be added to the dataset before using this function.

# We don't have many simulations in this example to perform ensemble statistics, but we'll use the two SSP2-4.5 realizations
datasets = pcat.search(
    processing_level="deltas", domain="aggregated", experiment="ssp245"

weights = xs.generate_weights(datasets, independence_level="model")

--> The keys in the returned dictionary of datasets are constructed as follows:
100.00% [2/2 00:00<00:00]
<xarray.DataArray (realization: 2)>
array([0.5, 0.5])
  * realization  (realization) <U88 'CMIP6_ScenarioMIP_NCC_NorESM2-MM_ssp245_...

2.7.2. Ensemble stats

xs.ensemble_stats creates an ensemble out of many datasets and computes statistics on that ensemble (min, max, mean, percentiles, etc.) using the xclim.ensembles module. The inputs can be given in the form of a list or a dictionary of xr.Dataset or of paths.

The arguments are as follows:

  • statistics is a dictionary that instructs on which xclim.ensembles statistics to call. It follows the format {function: arguments}.

  • weights is used to weight the various datasets, if needed.

  • common_attrs_only: xclim.ensembles.create_ensemble copies the attributes from the first dataset, but this might not be representative of the new ensemble. If common_attrs_only is True, it only keeps the global attributes that are the same for all datasets and generates a new ID.

  • create_kwargs: If given a set of paths, xclim.ensembles.create_ensemble will ignore the chunking on disk and open the datasets with only a chunking along the new realization dimension. Thus, for large datasets, this should be used to explicitely specify chunks.

ens_stats = xs.ensemble_stats(
        "ensemble_percentiles": {"split": False}
    },  # should be an existing function in xclim.ensembles

path = output_folder / f"ensemble_{ens_stats.attrs['cat:id']}.zarr"
xs.save_to_zarr(ens_stats, filename=path, mode="o")
pcat.update_from_ds(ds=ens_stats, path=path, format="zarr")
INFO:xscen.ensembles:Calculating ensemble_percentiles from an ensemble of 2 simulations.
Dimensions:                              (time: 5, percentiles: 3)
    horizon                              (time) <U9 dask.array<chunksize=(5,), meta=np.ndarray>
    lat                                  int64 47
    lon                                  float64 -74.5
  * time                                 (time) object 1981-01-01 00:00:00 .....
  * percentiles                          (percentiles) int64 10 50 90
Data variables:
    growing_degree_days_delta_1981_2010  (percentiles, time) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(3, 5), meta=np.ndarray>
    tg_min_delta_1981_2010               (percentiles, time) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(3, 5), meta=np.ndarray>
Attributes: (12/20)
    cat:_data_format_:            zarr
    cat:activity:                 ScenarioMIP
    cat:bias_adjust_institution:  Ouranos
    cat:bias_adjust_project:      xscen-tutorial
    cat:domain:                   aggregated
    cat:experiment:               ssp245
    ...                           ...
    comment:                      This is a test file created for the xscen t...
    intake_esm_vars:              ('growing_degree_days_delta_1981_2010', 'tg...
    regrid_method:                bilinear
    version:                      v20191108
    cat:id:                       xscen-tutorial_CMIP6_ScenarioMIP_NCC_NorESM...
    ensemble_size:                2

2.8. Clean up

At any time, such as after bias adjustment, xs.clean_up can be called to perform a number of small modifications to the datasets. That function can:

  • convert the variables to non-CF units using xs.utils.change_units

  • call the xs.utils.maybe_unstack function

  • convert the calendar and interpolate over missing dates

  • remove, remove everything but, and/or add a list of attributes

  • change the prefix of the catalog attrs (by default: cat:)

in that order.

2.8.1. Calendars

During the bias adjustment step, it is frequent to convert the calendar to ‘noleap’. However, once that step has been processed, we might want to put back all the February 29th (or other missing data in the case of ‘360_day’ calendar). This can be done using the convert_calendar_kwargs argument of xs.clean_up, which passes a dictionary to xclim.core.calendar.convert_calendar.

Usually, we want to linearly interpolate the missing temperatures, but put 0 mm/day for missing precipitation. If our dataset has many variables, the missing argument (for convert_calendar) can be set for each variable with missing_by_var. If missing_by_var is given ‘interpolate’, the missing data will be filled with NaNs, then linearly interpolated over time.

Eg. {'tasmax':'interpolate', 'pr':[0]}

convert_calendar_kwargs = {"target": "standard"}
missing_by_var = {"tas": "interpolate"}

2.8.2. Attributes

We might want to add, remove or modify the attributes.

It is possible to write a list of attributes to remove with attrs_to_remove, or a list of attributes to keep and remove everything else with remove_all_attrs_except. Both take the shape of a dictionnary where the keys are the variables (and ‘global’ for global attrs) and the values are the list.

The element of the list can be exact matches for the attribute names or use the same regex matching rules as intake_esm:

  • ending with a ‘*’ means checks if the substring is contained in the string

  • starting with a ‘^’ means check if the string starts with the substring.

Attributes can also be added to datasets using add_attrs. This is a dictionary where the keys are the variables and the values are a another dictionary of attributes.

It is also possible to modify the catalogue prefix ‘cat:’ by a new string with change_attr_prefix. Don’t use this if this is not the last step of your workflow.

attrs_to_remove = {
    "tas": ["name*"]
}  # remove tas attrs that contain the substring 'name'
remove_all_attrs_except = {
    "global": ["^cat:"]
}  # remove all the global attrs EXCEPT for the one starting with cat:
add_attrs = {
    "tas": {"notes": "some crucial information"}
}  # add a new tas attribute named 'notes' with value 'some crucial information'
change_attr_prefix = "dataset:"  # change /cat to dataset:
ds = pcat.search(
    processing_level="biasadjusted", variable="tas", experiment="ssp245", member="r1.*"

ds_clean = xs.clean_up(
    variables_and_units={"tas": "degC"},  # convert units
INFO:xscen.utils:Converting units: {'tas': 'degC'}
INFO:xscen.utils:Converting calendar with {'target': 'standard', 'missing': -9999}
INFO:root:Filling missing tas with interpolate
from xclim.core.calendar import get_calendar

# Inspect calendars and the interpolated values
print("Initial calendar: ", get_calendar(ds.time))
print(ds.time.sel(time=slice("2000-02-28", "2000-03-01")).values)
print(ds.tas.sel(time=slice("2000-02-28", "2000-03-01")).isel(lat=1, lon=1).values)

print("Final calendar: ", get_calendar(ds_clean.time))
print(ds_clean.time.sel(time=slice("2000-02-28", "2000-03-01")).values)
    ds_clean.tas.sel(time=slice("2000-02-28", "2000-03-01")).isel(lat=1, lon=1).values
print("Inspect initial attributes")

print("Inspect final attributes")
Initial calendar:  noleap
[cftime.DatetimeNoLeap(2000, 2, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, has_year_zero=True)
 cftime.DatetimeNoLeap(2000, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, has_year_zero=True)]
[10.1320762   8.56638259]
Final calendar:  standard
[cftime.DatetimeGregorian(2000, 2, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, has_year_zero=False)
 cftime.DatetimeGregorian(2000, 2, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0, has_year_zero=False)
 cftime.DatetimeGregorian(2000, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, has_year_zero=False)]
[10.1320762   9.34922939  8.56638259]

Inspect initial attributes
Dimensions:  (lon: 4, lat: 5, time: 25550)
  * lat      (lat) float64 45.27 45.82 46.37 46.92 47.47
  * lon      (lon) float64 -74.88 -74.62 -74.38 -74.12
  * time     (time) object 1981-01-01 00:00:00 ... 2050-12-31 00:00:00
Data variables:
    tas      (lon, lat, time) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(4, 5, 25550), meta=np.ndarray>
Attributes: (12/25)
    cat:_data_format_:            zarr
    cat:activity:                 ScenarioMIP
    cat:bias_adjust_institution:  Ouranos
    cat:bias_adjust_project:      xscen-tutorial
    cat:date_end:                 2050-12-31 00:00:00
    cat:date_start:               1981-01-01 00:00:00
    ...                           ...
    comment:                      This is a test file created for the xscen t...
    history:                      [2024-02-12 21:49:59] regridded with argume...
    intake_esm_dataset_key:       CMIP6_ScenarioMIP_NCC_NorESM2-MM_ssp245_r1i...
    intake_esm_vars:              ['tas']
    regrid_method:                bilinear
    version:                      v20191108

Inspect final attributes
Dimensions:  (lon: 4, lat: 5, time: 25567)
  * lat      (lat) float64 45.27 45.82 46.37 46.92 47.47
  * lon      (lon) float64 -74.88 -74.62 -74.38 -74.12
  * time     (time) object 1981-01-01 00:00:00 ... 2050-12-31 00:00:00
Data variables:
    tas      (lon, lat, time) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(4, 5, 25567), meta=np.ndarray>
Attributes: (12/19)
    dataset:_data_format_:            zarr
    dataset:activity:                 ScenarioMIP
    dataset:bias_adjust_institution:  Ouranos
    dataset:bias_adjust_project:      xscen-tutorial
    dataset:date_end:                 2050-12-31 00:00:00
    dataset:date_start:               1981-01-01 00:00:00
    ...                               ...
    dataset:path:                     /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/us...
    dataset:processing_level:         biasadjusted
    dataset:source:                   NorESM2-MM
    dataset:type:                     simulation
    dataset:variable:                 tas
    dataset:xrfreq:                   D