Source code for xscen.diagnostics

"""Functions to perform diagnostics on datasets."""

import logging
import os
import warnings
from import Sequence
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
from types import ModuleType
from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import xclim as xc
import xclim.core.dataflags
from xclim.core.indicator import Indicator

from .config import parse_config
from .indicators import load_xclim_module
from .utils import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [

# Dummy function to make gettext aware of translatable-strings
def _(s):
    return s

[docs] @parse_config def health_checks( # noqa: C901 ds: Union[xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray], *, structure: Optional[dict] = None, calendar: Optional[str] = None, start_date: Optional[str] = None, end_date: Optional[str] = None, variables_and_units: Optional[dict] = None, cfchecks: Optional[dict] = None, freq: Optional[str] = None, missing: Optional[Union[dict, str, list]] = None, flags: Optional[dict] = None, flags_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, return_flags: bool = False, raise_on: Optional[list] = None, ) -> Union[None, xr.Dataset]: """ Perform a series of health checks on the dataset. Be aware that missing data checks and flag checks can be slow. Parameters ---------- ds: xr.Dataset or xr.DataArray Dataset to check. structure: dict, optional Dictionary with keys "dims" and "coords" containing the expected dimensions and coordinates. This check will fail is extra dimensions or coordinates are found. calendar: str, optional Expected calendar. Synonyms should be detected correctly (e.g. "standard" and "gregorian"). start_date: str, optional To check if the dataset starts at least at this date. end_date: str, optional To check if the dataset ends at least at this date. variables_and_units: dict, optional Dictionary containing the expected variables and units. cfchecks: dict, optional Dictionary where the key is the variable to check and the values are the cfchecks. The cfchecks themselves must be a dictionary with the keys being the cfcheck names and the values being the arguments to pass to the cfcheck. See `xclim.core.cfchecks` for more details. freq: str, optional Expected frequency, written as the result of xr.infer_freq(ds.time). missing: dict or str or list of str, optional String, list of strings, or dictionary where the key is the method to check for missing data and the values are the arguments to pass to the method. The methods are: "missing_any", "at_least_n_valid", "missing_pct", "missing_wmo". See :py:func:`xclim.core.missing` for more details. flags: dict, optional Dictionary where the key is the variable to check and the values are the flags. The flags themselves must be a dictionary with the keys being the data_flags names and the values being the arguments to pass to the data_flags. If `None` is passed instead of a dictionary, then xclim's default flags for the given variable are run. See :py:data:`xclim.core.utils.VARIABLES`. See also :py:func:`xclim.core.dataflags.data_flags` for the list of possible flags. flags_kwargs: dict, optional Additional keyword arguments to pass to the data_flags ("dims" and "freq"). return_flags: bool Whether to return the Dataset created by data_flags. raise_on: list of str, optional Whether to raise an error if a check fails, else there will only be a warning. The possible values are the names of the checks. Use ["all"] to raise on all checks. Returns ------- xr.Dataset or None Dataset containing the flags if return_flags is True & raise_on is False for the "flags" check. """ if isinstance(ds, xr.DataArray): ds = ds.to_dataset() raise_on = raise_on or [] if "all" in raise_on: raise_on = [ "structure", "calendar", "start_date", "end_date", "variables_and_units", "cfchecks", "freq", "missing", "flags", ] warns = [] errs = [] def _error(msg, check): if check in raise_on: errs.append(msg) else: warns.append(msg) def _message(): base = "The following health checks failed:" if len(warns) > 0: msg = "\n - ".join([base] + warns) warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning, stacklevel=2) if len(errs) > 0: msg = "\n - ".join([base] + errs) raise ValueError(msg) # Check the dimensions and coordinates if structure is not None: if "dims" in structure: for dim in structure["dims"]: if dim not in ds.dims: _error(f"The dimension '{dim}' is missing.", "structure") extra_dims = [dim for dim in ds.dims if dim not in structure["dims"]] if len(extra_dims) > 0: _error( f"Extra dimensions found: {extra_dims}.", "structure", ) if "coords" in structure: for coord in structure["coords"]: if coord not in ds.coords: if coord in ds.data_vars: _error( f"'{coord}' is detected as a data variable, not a coordinate.", "structure", ) else: _error(f"The coordinate '{coord}' is missing.", "structure") extra_coords = [ coord for coord in ds.coords if coord not in structure["coords"] ] if len(extra_coords) > 0: _error(f"Extra coordinates found: {extra_coords}.", "structure") # Check the calendar if calendar is not None: cal = xc.core.calendar.get_calendar(ds.time) if xc.core.calendar.common_calendar([calendar]).replace( "default", "standard" ) != xc.core.calendar.common_calendar([cal]).replace("default", "standard"): _error(f"The calendar is not '{calendar}'. Received '{cal}'.", "calendar") # Check the start/end dates if (start_date is not None) or (end_date is not None): ds_start = date_parser(ds.time.min().dt.floor("D").item()) ds_end = date_parser(ds.time.max().dt.floor("D").item()) if start_date is not None: # Create cf_time objects to compare the dates start_date = date_parser(start_date) if not ((ds_start <= start_date) and (ds_end > start_date)): _error( f"The start date is not at least {start_date}. Received {ds_start}.", "start_date", ) if end_date is not None: # Create cf_time objects to compare the dates end_date = date_parser(end_date) if not ((ds_start < end_date) and (ds_end >= end_date)): _error( f"The end date is not at least {end_date}. Received {ds_end}.", "end_date", ) # Check variables if variables_and_units is not None: for v in variables_and_units: if v not in ds: _error(f"The variable '{v}' is missing.", "variables_and_units") elif ds[v].attrs.get("units", None) != variables_and_units[v]: with xc.set_options(data_validation="raise"): try: xc.core.units.check_units(ds[v], variables_and_units[v]) except xc.core.utils.ValidationError as e: _error(f"'{v}' ValidationError: {e}", "variables_and_units") _error( f"The variable '{v}' does not have the expected units '{variables_and_units[v]}'. Received '{ds[v].attrs['units']}'.", "variables_and_units", ) # Check CF conventions if cfchecks is not None: cfchecks = deepcopy(cfchecks) for v in cfchecks: for check in cfchecks[v]: if check == "check_valid": cfchecks[v][check]["var"] = ds[v] elif check == "cfcheck_from_name": cfchecks[v][check].setdefault("varname", v) cfchecks[v][check]["vardata"] = ds[v] else: raise ValueError(f"Check '{check}' is not in xclim.") with xc.set_options(cf_compliance="raise"): try: getattr(xc.core.cfchecks, check)(**cfchecks[v][check]) except xc.core.utils.ValidationError as e: _error(f"'{v}' ValidationError: {e}", "cfchecks") if freq is not None: inferred_freq = xr.infer_freq(ds.time) if inferred_freq is None: _error( "The timesteps are irregular or cannot be inferred by xarray.", "freq" ) elif freq.replace("YS", "AS-JAN") != inferred_freq: _error( f"The frequency is not '{freq}'. Received '{inferred_freq}'.", "freq" ) if missing is not None: inferred_freq = xr.infer_freq(ds.time) if inferred_freq not in ["M", "MS", "D", "H"]: warnings.warn( f"Frequency {inferred_freq} is not supported for missing data checks. That check will be skipped.", UserWarning, stacklevel=1, ) else: if isinstance(missing, str): missing = {missing: {}} elif isinstance(missing, list): missing = {m: {} for m in missing} for method, kwargs in missing.items(): kwargs.setdefault("freq", "YS") for v in ds.data_vars: ms = getattr(xc.core.missing, method)(ds[v], **kwargs) if ms.any(): _error( f"The variable '{v}' has missing values according to the '{method}' method.", "missing", ) if flags is not None: if return_flags: out = xr.Dataset() for v in flags: dsflags = xc.core.dataflags.data_flags( ds[v], ds, flags=flags[v], raise_flags=False, **(flags_kwargs or {}), ) if np.any([dsflags[dv] for dv in dsflags.data_vars]): bad_checks = [dv for dv in dsflags.data_vars if dsflags[dv].any()] _error( f"'{v}' has suspicious values according to the following flags: {bad_checks}.", "flags", ) if return_flags: dsflags = dsflags.rename({dv: f"{v}_{dv}" for dv in dsflags.data_vars}) out = xr.merge([out, dsflags]) _message() if return_flags and flags is not None: return out
# TODO: just measures?
[docs] @parse_config def properties_and_measures( # noqa: C901 ds: xr.Dataset, properties: Union[ str, os.PathLike, Sequence[Indicator], Sequence[tuple[str, Indicator]], ModuleType, ], period: Optional[list[str]] = None, unstack: bool = False, rechunk: Optional[dict] = None, dref_for_measure: Optional[xr.Dataset] = None, change_units_arg: Optional[dict] = None, to_level_prop: str = "diag-properties", to_level_meas: str = "diag-measures", ) -> tuple[xr.Dataset, xr.Dataset]: """Calculate properties and measures of a dataset. Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset Input dataset. properties : Union[str, os.PathLike, Sequence[Indicator], Sequence[tuple[str, Indicator]], ModuleType] Path to a YAML file that instructs on how to calculate properties. Can be the indicator module directly, or a sequence of indicators or a sequence of tuples (indicator name, indicator) as returned by `iter_indicators()`. period : list of str, optional [start, end] of the period to be evaluated. The period will be selected on ds and dref_for_measure if it is given. unstack : bool Whether to unstack ds before computing the properties. rechunk : dict, optional Dictionary of chunks to use for a rechunk before computing the properties. dref_for_measure : xr.Dataset, optional Dataset of properties to be used as the ref argument in the computation of the measure. Ideally, this is the first output (prop) of a previous call to this function. Only measures on properties that are provided both in this dataset and in the properties list will be computed. If None, the second output of the function (meas) will be an empty Dataset. change_units_arg : dict, optional If not None, calls `xscen.utils.change_units` on ds before computing properties using this dictionary for the `variables_and_units` argument. It can be useful to convert units before computing the properties, because it is sometimes easier to convert the units of the variables than the units of the properties (e.g. variance). to_level_prop : str processing_level to give the first output (prop) to_level_meas : str processing_level to give the second output (meas) Returns ------- prop : xr.Dataset Dataset of properties of ds meas : xr.Dataset Dataset of measures between prop and dref_for_meas See Also --------, xclim.sdba.measures, xclim.core.indicator.build_indicator_module_from_yaml """ if isinstance(properties, (str, Path)): logger.debug("Loading properties module.") module = load_xclim_module(properties) properties = module.iter_indicators() elif hasattr(properties, "iter_indicators"): properties = properties.iter_indicators() try: N = len(properties) except TypeError: N = None else:"Computing {N} properties.") period = standardize_periods(period, multiple=False) # select period for ds if period is not None and "time" in ds: ds = ds.sel({"time": slice(period[0], period[1])}) # select periods for ref_measure if ( dref_for_measure is not None and period is not None and "time" in dref_for_measure ): dref_for_measure = dref_for_measure.sel({"time": slice(period[0], period[1])}) if unstack: ds = unstack_fill_nan(ds) if rechunk: ds = ds.chunk(rechunk) if change_units_arg: ds = change_units(ds, variables_and_units=change_units_arg) prop = xr.Dataset() # dataset with all properties meas = xr.Dataset() # dataset with all measures for i, ind in enumerate(properties, 1): if isinstance(ind, tuple): iden, ind = ind else: iden = ind.identifier # Make the call to xclim"{i} - Computing {iden}.") out = ind(ds=ds) vname = prop[vname] = out if period is not None: prop[vname].attrs["period"] = f"{period[0]}-{period[1]}" # calculate the measure if a reference dataset is given for the measure if dref_for_measure and vname in dref_for_measure: meas[vname] = ind.get_measure()( sim=prop[vname], ref=dref_for_measure[vname] ) # create a merged long_name update_attr( meas[vname], "long_name", "{attr1} {attr}", others=[prop[vname]], ) for ds1 in [prop, meas]: ds1.attrs = ds.attrs ds1.attrs["cat:xrfreq"] = "fx" ds1.attrs.pop("cat:variable", None) ds1.attrs["cat:frequency"] = "fx" # to be able to save in zarr, convert object to string if "season" in ds1: ds1["season"] = ds1.season.astype("str") prop.attrs["cat:processing_level"] = to_level_prop meas.attrs["cat:processing_level"] = to_level_meas return prop, meas
[docs] def measures_heatmap( meas_datasets: Union[list[xr.Dataset], dict], to_level: str = "diag-heatmap" ) -> xr.Dataset: """Create a heatmap to compare the performance of the different datasets. The columns are properties and the rows are datasets. Each point is the absolute value of the mean of the measure over the whole domain. Each column is normalized from 0 (best) to 1 (worst). Parameters ---------- meas_datasets : list of xr.Dataset or dict List or dictionary of datasets of measures of properties. If it is a dictionary, the keys will be used to name the rows. If it is a list, the rows will be given a number. to_level : str The processing_level to assign to the output. Returns ------- xr.Dataset Dataset containing the heatmap. """ name_of_datasets = None if isinstance(meas_datasets, dict): name_of_datasets = list(meas_datasets.keys()) meas_datasets = list(meas_datasets.values()) hmap = [] for meas in meas_datasets: row = [] # iterate through all available properties for var_name in meas: da = meas[var_name] # mean the absolute value of the bias over all positions and add to heat map if "xclim.sdba.measures.RATIO" in da.attrs["history"]: # if ratio, best is 1, this moves "best to 0 to compare with bias row.append(abs(da - 1).mean().values) else: row.append(abs(da).mean().values) # append all properties hmap.append(row) # plot heatmap of biases (1 column per properties, 1 row per dataset) hmap = np.array(hmap) # normalize to 0-1 -> best-worst hmap = np.array( [ ( (c - np.min(c)) / (np.max(c) - np.min(c)) if np.max(c) != np.min(c) else [0.5] * len(c) ) for c in hmap.T ] ).T name_of_datasets = name_of_datasets or list(range(1, hmap.shape[0] + 1)) ds_hmap = xr.DataArray( hmap, coords={ "realization": name_of_datasets, "properties": list(meas_datasets[0].data_vars), }, dims=["realization", "properties"], ) ds_hmap = ds_hmap.to_dataset(name="heatmap") ds_hmap.attrs = xr.core.merge.merge_attrs( [ds.attrs for ds in meas_datasets], combine_attrs="drop_conflicts" ) ds_hmap = clean_up( ds=ds_hmap, common_attrs_only=meas_datasets, ) ds_hmap.attrs["cat:processing_level"] = to_level ds_hmap.attrs.pop("cat:variable", None) add_attr(ds_hmap["heatmap"], "long_name", _("Ranking of measure performance")) return ds_hmap
[docs] def measures_improvement( meas_datasets: Union[list[xr.Dataset], dict], to_level: str = "diag-improved" ) -> xr.Dataset: """ Calculate the fraction of improved grid points for each property between two datasets of measures. Parameters ---------- meas_datasets: list of xr.Dataset or dict List of 2 datasets: Initial dataset of measures and final (improved) dataset of measures. Both datasets must have the same variables. It is also possible to pass a dictionary where the values are the datasets and the key are not used. to_level: str processing_level to assign to the output dataset Returns ------- xr.Dataset Dataset containing information on the fraction of improved grid points for each property. """ if isinstance(meas_datasets, dict): meas_datasets = list(meas_datasets.values()) if len(meas_datasets) != 2: warnings.warn( "meas_datasets has more than 2 datasets." " Only the first 2 will be compared." ) ds1 = meas_datasets[0] ds2 = meas_datasets[1] percent_better = [] for var in ds2.data_vars: if "xclim.sdba.measures.RATIO" in ds1[var].attrs["history"]: diff_bias = abs(ds1[var] - 1) - abs(ds2[var] - 1) else: diff_bias = abs(ds1[var]) - abs(ds2[var]) diff_bias = diff_bias.values.ravel() diff_bias = diff_bias[~np.isnan(diff_bias)] total = ds2[var].values.ravel() total = total[~np.isnan(total)] improved = diff_bias >= 0 percent_better.append(np.sum(improved) / len(total)) ds_better = xr.DataArray( percent_better, coords={"properties": list(ds2.data_vars)}, dims="properties" ) ds_better = ds_better.to_dataset(name="improved_grid_points") add_attr( ds_better["improved_grid_points"], "long_name", _("Fraction of improved grid cells"), ) ds_better.attrs = ds2.attrs ds_better.attrs["cat:processing_level"] = to_level ds_better.attrs.pop("cat:variable", None) return ds_better
def measures_improvement_2d( dict_input: dict, to_level: str = "diag-improved-2d" ) -> xr.Dataset: """ Create a 2D dataset with dimension `realization` showing the fraction of improved grid cell. Parameters ---------- dict_input: dict If dict of datasets, the datasets should be the output of `measures_improvement`. If dict of dict/list, the dict/list should be the input to `measures_improvement`. The keys will be the values of the dimension `realization`. to_level: str Processing_level to assign to the output dataset. Returns ------- xr.Dataset Dataset with extra `realization` coordinates. """ merge = {} for name, value in dict_input.items(): # if dataset, assume the value is already the output of `measures_improvement` if isinstance(value, xr.Dataset): out = value.expand_dims(dim={"realization": [name]}) # else, compute the `measures_improvement` else: out = measures_improvement(value).expand_dims(dim={"realization": [name]}) merge[name] = out # put everything in one dataset with dim datasets ds_merge = xr.concat(list(merge.values()), dim="realization") ds_merge["realization"] = ds_merge["realization"].astype(str) ds_merge = clean_up( ds=ds_merge, common_attrs_only=merge, ) ds_merge.attrs["cat:processing_level"] = to_level return ds_merge