Source code for xscen.regrid

"""Functions to regrid datasets."""

import datetime
import operator
import os
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Optional, Union

import as ccrs
import cf_xarray as cfxr
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

    import xesmf as xe
    from xesmf.frontend import Regridder
except ImportError:
    xe = None
    Regridder = "xesmf.Regridder"

from .config import parse_config

# TODO: Implement logging, warnings, etc.
# TODO: Add an option to call xesmf.util.grid_2d or xesmf.util.grid_global
# TODO: Implement support for an OBS2SIM kind of interpolation

__all__ = ["create_mask", "regrid_dataset"]

[docs] @parse_config def regrid_dataset( # noqa: C901 ds: xr.Dataset, ds_grid: xr.Dataset, weights_location: Union[str, os.PathLike], *, regridder_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, intermediate_grids: Optional[dict] = None, to_level: str = "regridded", ) -> xr.Dataset: """Regrid a dataset according to weights and a reference grid. Based on an intake_esm catalog, this function performs regridding on Zarr files. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset Dataset to regrid. The Dataset needs to have lat/lon coordinates. Supports a 'mask' variable compatible with ESMF standards. weights_location : Union[str, os.PathLike] Path to the folder where weight file is saved. ds_grid : xr.Dataset Destination grid. The Dataset needs to have lat/lon coordinates. Supports a 'mask' variable compatible with ESMF standards. regridder_kwargs : dict, optional Arguments to send xe.Regridder(). If it contains `skipna` or `output_chunks`, those are passed to the regridder call directly. intermediate_grids : dict, optional This argument is used to do a regridding in many steps, regridding to regular grids before regridding to the final ds_grid. This is useful when there is a large jump in resolution between ds and ds grid. The format is a nested dictionary shown in Notes. If None, no intermediary grid is used, there is only a regrid from ds to ds_grid. to_level : str The processing level to assign to the output. Defaults to 'regridded' Returns ------- xarray.Dataset Regridded dataset Notes ----- intermediate_grids = {'name_of_inter_grid_1': {'cf_grid_2d': {arguments for util.cf_grid_2d },'regridder_kwargs':{arguments for xe.Regridder}}, 'name_of_inter_grid_2': dictionary_as_above} See Also -------- xesmf.regridder, xesmf.util.cf_grid_2d """ if xe is None: raise ImportError( "xscen's regridding functionality requires xESMF to work, please install that package." ) regridder_kwargs = regridder_kwargs or {} ds_grids = [] # list of target grids reg_arguments = [] # list of accompanying arguments for xe.Regridder() if intermediate_grids: for name_inter, dict_inter in intermediate_grids.items(): reg_arguments.append(dict_inter["regridder_kwargs"]) ds_grids.append(xe.util.cf_grid_2d(**dict_inter["cf_grid_2d"])) ds_grids.append(ds_grid) # add final ds_grid reg_arguments.append(regridder_kwargs) # add final regridder_kwargs out = None # Whether regridding is required if ds["lon"].equals(ds_grid["lon"]) & ds["lat"].equals(ds_grid["lat"]): out = ds if "mask" in out: out = out.where(out.mask == 1) out = out.drop_vars(["mask"]) else: for i, (ds_grid, regridder_kwargs) in enumerate(zip(ds_grids, reg_arguments)): # if this is not the first iteration (out != None), # get result from last iteration (out) as input ds = out or ds kwargs = deepcopy(regridder_kwargs) # if weights_location does no exist, create it if not os.path.exists(weights_location): os.makedirs(weights_location) id = ds.attrs["cat:id"] if "cat:id" in ds.attrs else "weights" # give unique name to weights file weights_filename = os.path.join( weights_location, f"{id}_regrid{i}" f"{'_'.join(kwargs[k] for k in kwargs if isinstance(kwargs[k], str))}.nc", ) # Re-use existing weight file if possible if os.path.isfile(weights_filename) and not ( ("reuse_weights" in kwargs) and (kwargs["reuse_weights"] is False) ): kwargs["weights"] = weights_filename kwargs["reuse_weights"] = True # Extract args that are to be given at call time. # output_chunks is only valid for xesmf >= 0.8, so don't add it be default to the call_kwargs call_kwargs = {"skipna": regridder_kwargs.pop("skipna", False)} if "output_chunks" in regridder_kwargs: call_kwargs["output_chunks"] = regridder_kwargs.pop("output_chunks") regridder = _regridder( ds_in=ds, ds_grid=ds_grid, filename=weights_filename, **regridder_kwargs ) # The regridder (when fed Datasets) doesn't like if 'mask' is present. if "mask" in ds: ds = ds.drop_vars(["mask"]) out = regridder(ds, keep_attrs=True, **call_kwargs) # double-check that grid_mapping information is transferred gridmap_out = any( "grid_mapping" in ds_grid[da].attrs for da in ds_grid.data_vars ) if gridmap_out: gridmap = np.unique( [ ds_grid[da].attrs["grid_mapping"] for da in ds_grid.data_vars if "grid_mapping" in ds_grid[da].attrs and ds_grid[da].attrs["grid_mapping"] in ds_grid ] ) if len(gridmap) != 1: warnings.warn( "Could not determine and transfer grid_mapping information." ) else: # Add the grid_mapping attribute for v in out.data_vars: out[v].attrs["grid_mapping"] = gridmap[0] # Add the grid_mapping coordinate if gridmap[0] not in out: out = out.assign_coords({gridmap[0]: ds_grid[gridmap[0]]}) # Regridder seems to seriously mess up the rotated dimensions for d in out.lon.dims: out[d] = ds_grid[d] if d not in out.coords: out = out.assign_coords({d: ds_grid[d]}) else: gridmap = np.unique( [ ds[da].attrs["grid_mapping"] for da in ds.data_vars if "grid_mapping" in ds[da].attrs ] ) # Remove the original grid_mapping attribute for v in out.data_vars: if "grid_mapping" in out[v].attrs: out[v].attrs.pop("grid_mapping") # Remove the original grid_mapping coordinate if it is still in the output out = out.drop_vars(set(gridmap).intersection(out.variables)) # History kwargs_for_hist = deepcopy(regridder_kwargs) kwargs_for_hist.setdefault("method", regridder.method) if intermediate_grids and i < len(intermediate_grids): name_inter = list(intermediate_grids.keys())[i] cf_grid_2d_args = intermediate_grids[name_inter]["cf_grid_2d"] new_history = ( f"[{'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}] " f"regridded with regridder arguments {kwargs_for_hist} to a xesmf" f" cf_grid_2d with arguments {cf_grid_2d_args} - xESMF v{xe.__version__}" ) else: new_history = ( f"[{'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}] " f"regridded with arguments {kwargs_for_hist} - xESMF v{xe.__version__}" ) history = ( f"{new_history}\n{out.attrs['history']}" if "history" in out.attrs else new_history ) out.attrs["history"] = history out = out.drop_vars("latitude_longitude", errors="ignore") # Attrs out.attrs["cat:processing_level"] = to_level out.attrs["cat:domain"] = ( ds_grid.attrs["cat:domain"] if "cat:domain" in ds_grid.attrs else None ) return out
[docs] @parse_config def create_mask(ds: Union[xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray], mask_args: dict) -> xr.DataArray: """Create a 0-1 mask based on incoming arguments. Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset or xr.DataArray Dataset or DataArray to be evaluated mask_args : dict Instructions to build the mask (required fields listed in the Notes). Note ---- 'mask' fields: variable: str, optional Variable on which to base the mask, if ds_mask is not a DataArray. where_operator: str, optional Conditional operator such as '>' where_threshold: str, optional Value threshold to be used in conjunction with where_operator. mask_nans: bool Whether to apply a mask on NaNs. Returns ------- xr.DataArray Mask array. """ # Prepare the mask for the destination grid ops = { "<":, "<=": operator.le, "==": operator.eq, "!=":, ">=":, ">":, } def cmp(arg1, op, arg2): operation = ops.get(op) return operation(arg1, arg2) mask_args = mask_args or {} if isinstance(ds, xr.DataArray): mask = ds elif isinstance(ds, xr.Dataset) and "variable" in mask_args: mask = ds[mask_args["variable"]] else: raise ValueError("Could not determine what to base the mask on.") if "time" in mask.dims: mask = mask.isel(time=0) if "where_operator" in mask_args: mask = xr.where( cmp(mask, mask_args["where_operator"], mask_args["where_threshold"]), 1, 0 ) else: mask = xr.ones_like(mask) if ("mask_nans" in mask_args) & (mask_args["mask_nans"] is True): mask = mask.where(np.isreal(mask), other=0) # Attributes if "where_operator" in mask_args: mask.attrs["where_threshold"] = ( f"{mask_args['variable']} {mask_args['where_operator']} {mask_args['where_threshold']}" ) mask.attrs["mask_nans"] = f"{mask_args['mask_nans']}" return mask
def _regridder( ds_in: xr.Dataset, ds_grid: xr.Dataset, filename: Union[str, os.PathLike], *, method: str = "bilinear", unmapped_to_nan: Optional[bool] = True, **kwargs, ) -> Regridder: """Call to xesmf Regridder with a few default arguments. Parameters ---------- ds_in : xr.Dataset Incoming grid. The Dataset needs to have lat/lon coordinates. ds_grid : xr.Dataset Destination grid. The Dataset needs to have lat/lon coordinates. filename : str or os.PathLike Path to the NetCDF file with weights information. method : str Interpolation method. unmapped_to_nan : bool, optional Arguments to send xe.Regridder(). regridder_kwargs : dict Arguments to send xe.Regridder(). Returns ------- xe.frontend.Regridder Regridder object """ if method.startswith("conservative"): if (["longitude"].ndim == 2 and "longitude" not in and "rotated_pole" in ds_in ): ds_in = ds_in.update(create_bounds_rotated_pole(ds_in)) if (["longitude"].ndim == 2 and "longitude" not in and "rotated_pole" in ds_grid ): ds_grid = ds_grid.update(create_bounds_rotated_pole(ds_grid)) regridder = xe.Regridder( ds_in=ds_in, ds_out=ds_grid, method=method, unmapped_to_nan=unmapped_to_nan, **kwargs, ) if ~os.path.isfile(filename): regridder.to_netcdf(filename) return regridder def create_bounds_rotated_pole(ds: xr.Dataset): """Create bounds for rotated pole datasets.""" ds =["rlat", "rlon"]) # In "vertices" format then expand to 2D. From (N, 2) to (N+1,) to (N+1, M+1) rlatv1D = cfxr.bounds_to_vertices(ds.rlat_bounds, "bounds") rlonv1D = cfxr.bounds_to_vertices(ds.rlon_bounds, "bounds") rlatv = rlatv1D.expand_dims(rlon_vertices=rlonv1D).transpose( "rlon_vertices", "rlat_vertices" ) rlonv = rlonv1D.expand_dims(rlat_vertices=rlatv1D).transpose( "rlon_vertices", "rlat_vertices" ) # Get cartopy's crs for the projection RP = ccrs.RotatedPole( pole_longitude=ds.rotated_pole.grid_north_pole_longitude, pole_latitude=ds.rotated_pole.grid_north_pole_latitude, central_rotated_longitude=ds.rotated_pole.north_pole_grid_longitude, ) PC = ccrs.PlateCarree() # Project points pts = PC.transform_points(RP, rlonv.values, rlatv.values) lonv = rlonv.copy(data=pts[..., 0]).rename("lon_vertices") latv = rlatv.copy(data=pts[..., 1]).rename("lat_vertices") # Back to CF bounds format. From (N+1, M+1) to (4, N, M) lonb = cfxr.vertices_to_bounds(lonv, ("bounds", "rlon", "rlat")).rename( "lon_bounds" ) latb = cfxr.vertices_to_bounds(latv, ("bounds", "rlon", "rlat")).rename( "lat_bounds" ) # Create dataset, set coords and attrs ds_bnds = xr.merge([lonb, latb]).assign( lon=ds.lon,, rotated_pole=ds.rotated_pole ) ds_bnds["rlat"] = ds.rlat ds_bnds["rlon"] = ds.rlon["bounds"] = "lat_bounds" ds_bnds.lon.attrs["bounds"] = "lon_bounds" return ds_bnds.transpose(*ds.lon.dims, "bounds")