Source code for xscen.aggregate

"""Functions to aggregate data over time and space."""

import datetime
import logging
import os
import warnings
from import Sequence
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
from types import ModuleType
from typing import Optional, Union

import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy
import shapely
import xarray as xr
import xclim as xc
import xclim.core.calendar

    import xesmf as xe
except ImportError:
    xe = None
from xclim.core.indicator import Indicator

from .config import parse_config
from .extract import subset_warming_level
from .indicators import compute_indicators
from .spatial import subset
from .utils import standardize_periods, unstack_dates, update_attr

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [

# Dummy function to make gettext aware of translatable-strings
def _(s):
    return s

[docs] @parse_config def climatological_mean( ds: xr.Dataset, *, window: Optional[int] = None, min_periods: Optional[int] = None, interval: int = 1, periods: Optional[Union[list[str], list[list[str]]]] = None, to_level: Optional[str] = "climatology", ) -> xr.Dataset: """Compute the mean over 'year' for given time periods, respecting the temporal resolution of ds. Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset Dataset to use for the computation. window : int, optional Number of years to use for the time periods. If left at None and periods is given, window will be the size of the first period. If left at None and periods is not given, the window will be the size of the input dataset. min_periods : int, optional For the rolling operation, minimum number of years required for a value to be computed. If left at None and the xrfreq is either QS or AS and doesn't start in January, min_periods will be one less than window. If left at None, it will be deemed the same as 'window'. interval : int Interval (in years) at which to provide an output. periods : list of str or list of lists of str, optional Either [start, end] or list of [start, end] of continuous periods to be considered. This is needed when the time axis of ds contains some jumps in time. If None, the dataset will be considered continuous. to_level : str, optional The processing level to assign to the output. If None, the processing level of the inputs is preserved. Returns ------- xr.Dataset Returns a Dataset of the climatological mean, by calling climatological_op with option op=='mean'. """ warnings.warn( "xs.climatological_mean is deprecated and will be abandoned in a future release. " "Use xs.climatological_op with option op=='mean' instead.", category=FutureWarning, ) return climatological_op( ds, op="mean", window=window, min_periods=min_periods, stride=interval, periods=periods, rename_variables=False, to_level=to_level, horizons_as_dim=False, )
[docs] @parse_config def climatological_op( # noqa: C901 ds: xr.Dataset, *, op: Union[str, dict] = "mean", window: Optional[int] = None, min_periods: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, stride: int = 1, periods: Optional[Union[list[str], list[list[str]]]] = None, rename_variables: bool = True, to_level: str = "climatology", horizons_as_dim: bool = False, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Perform an operation 'op' over time, for given time periods, respecting the temporal resolution of ds. Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset Dataset to use for the computation. op : str or dict Operation to perform over time. The operation can be any method name of xarray.core.rolling.DatasetRolling, 'linregress', or a dictionary. If 'op' is a dictionary, the key is the operation name and the value is a dict of kwargs accepted by the operation. While other operations are technically possible, the following are recommended and tested: ['max', 'mean', 'median', 'min', 'std', 'sum', 'var', 'linregress']. Operations beyond methods of xarray.core.rolling.DatasetRolling include: - 'linregress' : Computes the linear regression over time, using scipy.stats.linregress and employing years as regressors. The output will have a new dimension 'linreg_param' with coordinates: ['slope', 'intercept', 'rvalue', 'pvalue', 'stderr', 'intercept_stderr']. Only one operation per call is supported, so len(op)==1 if a dict. window : int, optional Number of years to use for the rolling operation. If left at None and periods is given, window will be the size of the first period. Hence, if periods are of different lengths, the shortest period should be passed first. If left at None and periods is not given, the window will be the size of the input dataset. min_periods : int or float, optional For the rolling operation, minimum number of years required for a value to be computed. If left at None and the xrfreq is either QS or AS and doesn't start in January, min_periods will be one less than window. Otherwise, if left at None, it will be deemed the same as 'window'. If passed as a float value between 0 and 1, this will be interpreted as the floor of the fraction of the window size. stride : int Stride (in years) at which to provide an output from the rolling window operation. periods : list of str or list of lists of str, optional Either [start, end] or list of [start, end] of continuous periods to be considered. This is needed when the time axis of ds contains some jumps in time. If None, the dataset will be considered continuous. rename_variables : bool If True, '_clim_{op}' will be added to variable names. to_level : str, optional The processing level to assign to the output. If None, the processing level of the inputs is preserved. horizons_as_dim : bool If True, the output will have 'horizon' and the frequency as 'month', 'season' or 'year' as dimensions and coordinates. The 'time' coordinate will be unstacked to horizon and frequency dimensions. Horizons originate from periods and/or windows and their stride in the rolling operation. Returns ------- xr.Dataset Dataset with the results from the climatological operation. """ # Daily data is not supported if len(ds.time) > 3 and xr.infer_freq(ds.time) == "D": raise NotImplementedError( "xs.climatological_op does not currently support daily data." ) # more than one operation per call is not supported (yet), case for dict if isinstance(op, dict) and len(op) > 1: raise NotImplementedError( "xs.climatological_op does not currently support more than one operation per call." ) # unstack 1D time in coords (day, month, and year) to make climatological mean faster try: mindex_coords = xr.Coordinates.from_pandas_multiindex( pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [ ds.time.dt.year.values, ds.time.dt.month.values,, ], names=["year", "month", "day"], ), dim="time", ) ds_unstack = ds.assign_coords(coords=mindex_coords).unstack("time") except ( AttributeError, ValueError, ): # Fixme when xscen is pinned to xarray >= 2023.11.0 ind = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [ds.time.dt.year.values, ds.time.dt.month.values,], names=["year", "month", "day"], ) ds_unstack = ds.assign(time=ind).unstack("time") # Rolling will ignore gaps in time, so raise an exception beforehand if (not all(ds_unstack.year.diff(dim="year", n=1) == 1)) & (periods is None): raise ValueError("Data is not continuous. Use the 'periods' argument.") # define periods, windows, and min_periods periods = standardize_periods( periods or [[int(ds_unstack.year[0]), int(ds_unstack.year[-1])]] ) window = window or int(periods[0][1]) - int(periods[0][0]) + 1 # there is one less occurrence when a period crosses years freq_across_year = [ f"{f}-{mon}" for mon in xr.coding.cftime_offsets._MONTH_ABBREVIATIONS.values() for f in ["AS", "QS"] if mon != "JAN" ] if ( any( x in freq_across_year for x in [ ds.attrs.get("cat:xrfreq"), (xr.infer_freq(ds.time) if len(ds.time) > 3 else None), ] ) and min_periods is None ): min_periods = window - 1 # unpack min_periods as fraction of window if isinstance(min_periods, float): if 0 < min_periods <= 1: min_periods = int(np.floor(min_periods * window)) else: raise ValueError( f"When 'min_periods' is passed as a 'float', it must be between 0 and 1. Got {min_periods}." ) # set min_periods min_periods = min_periods or window if min_periods > window: raise ValueError("'min_periods' should be smaller or equal to 'window'") # if op is a dict, unpack it if isinstance(op, dict): op, op_kwargs = list(op.items())[0] op_kwargs.setdefault("keep_attrs", True) else: op_kwargs = {"keep_attrs": True} # special case for averaging standard deviations: need to convert to variance before averaging ds_has_std = False std_v = [] if op == "mean": for vv in ds_unstack.data_vars: if ( "std" in vv or "standard deviation" in ds_unstack[vv].attrs.get("description", "").lower() ): ds_unstack[vv] = np.square(ds_unstack[vv]) ds_has_std = True std_v.extend([vv]) # Compute the climatological operation concats = [] for period in periods: # Rolling average ds_rolling = ds_unstack.sel(year=slice(period[0], period[1])).rolling( year=window, min_periods=min_periods ) # apply operation on rolling object if hasattr(ds_rolling, op) and callable(getattr(ds_rolling, op)): if op not in ["max", "mean", "median", "min", "std", "sum", "var"]: warnings.warn( f"The requested operation '{op}' has not been tested and may produce unexpected results." ) ds_rolling = getattr(ds_rolling, op)(**op_kwargs) # revert variance to std, where applicable if op == "mean" and ds_has_std: for vv in std_v: ds_rolling[vv] = np.sqrt(ds_rolling[vv]) # Select the windows at provided stride, starting from the first full window's operation result ds_rolling = ds_rolling.isel(year=slice(window - 1, None, stride)) elif op == "linregress": def _ulinregress(x, y, **kwargs): # Wrapper for scipy.stats.linregress to unpack multiple return values in xr.apply_ufunc valid_x = ~np.isnan(x) valid_y = ~np.isnan(y) mask = valid_x & valid_y if np.sum(mask) >= kwargs.get("min_periods", 1): reg = scipy.stats.linregress( x, y, alternative=kwargs.get("alternative", "two-sided") ) out = np.array( [ reg.slope, reg.intercept, reg.rvalue, reg.pvalue, reg.stderr, reg.intercept_stderr, ] ) else: out = np.full(6, np.nan) return out # prepare kwargs linreg_kwargs = { k: v for k, v in op_kwargs.items() if "keep_attrs" not in k } linreg_kwargs["min_periods"] = min_periods # unwrap DatasetRolling object and select years subset dsr_construct = ds_rolling.construct(window_dim="window", keep_attrs=True) dsr_construct = dsr_construct.isel(year=slice(window - 1, None, stride)) # construct array to use years as x values (==regressors) in xr.apply_ufunc years_as_x_values = xr.DataArray( np.arange(dsr_construct.window.size) .repeat(dsr_construct.year.size) .reshape(dsr_construct.window.size, dsr_construct.year.size) + dsr_construct.year.values - window + 1, dims=["window", "year"], coords={ "window": dsr_construct.window.values, "year": dsr_construct.year.values, }, ) # apply linregress along windows ds_rolling = xr.apply_ufunc( _ulinregress, years_as_x_values, dsr_construct, input_core_dims=[["window"], ["window"]], output_core_dims=[["linreg_param"]], vectorize=True, dask="parallelized", output_dtypes=["float32"], dask_gufunc_kwargs={"output_sizes": {"linreg_param": 6}}, keep_attrs="no_conflicts", kwargs=linreg_kwargs, ) # label new coords ds_rolling.coords["linreg_param"] = [ "slope", "intercept", "rvalue", "pvalue", "stderr", "intercept_stderr", ] else: raise ValueError(f"Operation '{op}' not implemented.") # build horizons horizons = xr.DataArray( [f"{yr - (window - 1)}-{yr}" for yr in ds_rolling.year.values], dims=dict(year=ds_rolling.year), ).astype(str) ds_rolling = ds_rolling.assign_coords(horizon=horizons) # revert to 1D time, rebuilding time coord ds_rolling = ds_rolling.stack(time=("year", "month", "day")) if isinstance(ds.indexes["time"], pd.core.indexes.datetimes.DatetimeIndex): time_coord = pd.to_datetime( { "year": ds_rolling.year.values - window + 1, "month": ds_rolling.month.values, "day":, } ).to_list() elif isinstance(ds.indexes["time"], xr.coding.cftimeindex.CFTimeIndex): time_coord = [ xclim.core.calendar.datetime_classes[ds.time.dt.calendar]( y - window + 1, m, d ) for y, m, d in zip( ds_rolling.year.values, ds_rolling.month.values,, ) ] else: raise ValueError("The type of 'time' was not understood.") ds_rolling = ds_rolling.drop_vars({"month", "year", "time", "day"}) ds_rolling = ds_rolling.assign_coords(time=time_coord).transpose("time", ...) # append to list of results concats.extend([ds_rolling]) # end loop over periods # concatenate results ds_rolling = xr.concat(concats, dim="time", data_vars="minimal") # update data_vars names, attrs, history if rename_variables: ds_rolling = ds_rolling.rename_vars( {vv: f"{vv}_clim_{op}" for vv in ds_rolling.data_vars} ) for vv in ds_rolling.data_vars: for a in ["description", "long_name"]: try: op_format = dict.fromkeys( ("mean", "std", "var", "sum"), "adj" ) | dict.fromkeys(("max", "min"), "noun") operation = xc.core.formatting.default_formatter.format_field( op, op_format[op] ) except (KeyError, ValueError): operation = op update_attr( ds_rolling[vv], a, _("{window}-year climatological {operation} of {attr}."), window=window, operation=operation, ) new_history = ( f"[{'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}] {window}-year climatological {operation} " f"over window (non-centered), with a minimum of {min_periods} years of data - xarray v{xr.__version__}" ) history = ( new_history + " \n " + ds_rolling[vv].attrs["history"] if "history" in ds_rolling[vv].attrs else new_history ) ds_rolling[vv].attrs["history"] = history # update processing level if to_level is not None: ds_rolling.attrs["cat:processing_level"] = to_level if horizons_as_dim: # restructure output to have horizons as a dimension instead of stacked horizons per year/season/month new_coords = {1: "year", 4: "season", 12: "month"} new_coord_len = len(np.unique(ds_rolling.time.dt.month)) if new_coord_len == 1: all_horizons = [ ds_rolling.sel(time=ds_rolling.horizon == horizon) .swap_dims({"time": "horizon"}) .assign( time_2D=xr.DataArray( ds_rolling.time.sel( time=ds_rolling.horizon == horizon ).values.copy(), dims=["time"], ) ) .drop_vars("time") .rename({"time_2D": "time"}) .set_coords("time") .squeeze(dim="time") for horizon in np.unique(ds_rolling.horizon.values) ] else: all_horizons = [ unstack_dates( ds_rolling.sel(time=ds_rolling.horizon == horizon).assign( time_2D=xr.DataArray( ds_rolling.time.sel( time=ds_rolling.horizon == horizon ).values.copy(), dims=["time"], ) ), new_dim=new_coords[new_coord_len], ) .drop_vars("horizon") .assign_coords(horizon=("time", [horizon])) .swap_dims({"time": "horizon"}) .drop_vars("time") .rename({"time_2D": "time"}) .set_coords("time") for horizon in np.unique(ds_rolling.horizon.values) ] return xr.concat(all_horizons, dim="horizon") else: return ds_rolling
[docs] @parse_config def compute_deltas( # noqa: C901 ds: xr.Dataset, reference_horizon: Union[str, xr.Dataset], *, kind: Union[str, dict] = "+", rename_variables: bool = True, to_level: Optional[str] = "deltas", ) -> xr.Dataset: """Compute deltas in comparison to a reference time period, respecting the temporal resolution of ds. Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset Dataset to use for the computation. reference_horizon : str or xr.Dataset Either a YYYY-YYYY string corresponding to the 'horizon' coordinate of the reference period, or a xr.Dataset containing the climatological mean. kind : str or dict ['+', '/', '%'] Whether to provide absolute, relative, or percentage deltas. Can also be a dictionary separated per variable name. rename_variables : bool If True, '_delta_YYYY-YYYY' will be added to variable names. to_level : str, optional The processing level to assign to the output. If None, the processing level of the inputs is preserved. Returns ------- xr.Dataset Returns a Dataset with the requested deltas. """ if isinstance(reference_horizon, str): if reference_horizon not in ds.horizon: raise ValueError( f"The reference horizon {reference_horizon} is not in the dataset." ) # Separate the reference from the other horizons if xc.core.utils.uses_dask(ds["horizon"]): ds["horizon"].load() ref = ds.where(ds.horizon == reference_horizon, drop=True) elif isinstance(reference_horizon, xr.Dataset): ref = reference_horizon if "horizon" in ref: reference_horizon = np.unique(ref["horizon"]) if len(reference_horizon) != 1: raise ValueError( "The reference dataset appears to contain multiple horizons." ) reference_horizon = reference_horizon[0] else: reference_horizon = "unknown_horizon" else: raise ValueError( "reference_horizon should be either a string or an xarray.Dataset." ) if "time" in ds: if (len(ds.time) >= 3) and (xr.infer_freq(ds.time) == "D"): raise NotImplementedError( "xs.compute_deltas does not currently support daily data." ) # Remove references to 'year' in REF try: mindex_coords_1 = xr.Coordinates.from_pandas_multiindex( pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [ref.time.dt.month.values,], names=["month", "day"], ), dim="time", ) ref = ref.assign_coords(coords=mindex_coords_1).unstack("time") mindex_coords_2 = xr.Coordinates.from_pandas_multiindex( pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [ ds.time.dt.year.values, ds.time.dt.month.values,, ], names=["year", "month", "day"], ), dim="time", ) other_hz = ds.assign_coords(coords=mindex_coords_2).unstack("time") except ( AttributeError, ValueError, ): # Fixme when xscen is pinned to xarray >= 2023.11.0 ind = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [ref.time.dt.month.values,], names=["month", "day"], ) ref = ref.assign(time=ind).unstack("time") ind = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [ ds.time.dt.year.values, ds.time.dt.month.values,, ], names=["year", "month", "day"], ) other_hz = ds.assign(time=ind).unstack("time") else: other_hz = ds ref = ref.squeeze() deltas = xr.Dataset(coords=other_hz.coords, attrs=other_hz.attrs) # Calculate deltas for vv in list(ds.data_vars): v_name = ( vv if rename_variables is False else f"{vv}_delta_{reference_horizon.replace('-', '_')}" ) with xr.set_options(keep_attrs=True): if (isinstance(kind, dict) and kind[vv] == "+") or kind == "+": _kind = "abs." deltas[v_name] = other_hz[vv] - ref[vv] elif (isinstance(kind, dict) and kind[vv] == "/") or kind == "/": _kind = "rel." deltas[v_name] = other_hz[vv] / ref[vv] deltas[v_name].attrs["units"] = "" elif (isinstance(kind, dict) and kind[vv] == "%") or kind == "%": _kind = "pct." deltas[v_name] = 100 * (other_hz[vv] - ref[vv]) / ref[vv] deltas[v_name].attrs["units"] = "%" else: raise ValueError( f"Delta 'kind' not understood. Should be '+', '/' or '%', received {kind}." ) # modify attrs and history deltas[v_name].attrs["delta_kind"] = _kind deltas[v_name].attrs["delta_reference"] = reference_horizon for a in ["description", "long_name"]: update_attr( deltas[v_name], a, _("{attr1}: {kind} delta compared to {refhoriz}."), others=[other_hz[vv]], refhoriz=reference_horizon, kind=_kind, ) new_history = f"[{'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}] {_kind} delta vs. {reference_horizon} - xarray v{xr.__version__}" history = ( new_history + " \n " + deltas[v_name].attrs["history"] if "history" in deltas[v_name].attrs else new_history ) deltas[v_name].attrs["history"] = history if "time" in ds: # get back to 1D time deltas = deltas.stack(time=("year", "month", "day")) # rebuild time coord if isinstance(ds.indexes["time"], pd.core.indexes.datetimes.DatetimeIndex): time_coord = list( pd.to_datetime( { "year": deltas.year.values, "month": deltas.month.values, "day":, } ).values ) elif isinstance(ds.indexes["time"], xr.coding.cftimeindex.CFTimeIndex): time_coord = [ xclim.core.calendar.datetime_classes[ds.time.dt.calendar](y, m, d) for y, m, d in zip( deltas.year.values, deltas.month.values, ) ] else: raise ValueError("The type of 'time' could not be understood.") deltas = ( deltas.drop_vars({"year", "day", "month", "time"}) .assign(time=time_coord) .transpose("time", ...) ) deltas = deltas.reindex_like(ds) if to_level is not None: deltas.attrs["cat:processing_level"] = to_level return deltas
[docs] @parse_config def spatial_mean( # noqa: C901 ds: xr.Dataset, method: str, *, spatial_subset: Optional[bool] = None, call_clisops: Optional[bool] = False, region: Optional[Union[dict, str]] = None, kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, simplify_tolerance: Optional[float] = None, to_domain: Optional[str] = None, to_level: Optional[str] = None, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Compute the spatial mean using a variety of available methods. Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset Dataset to use for the computation. method : str 'cos-lat' will weight the area covered by each pixel using an approximation based on latitude. 'interp_centroid' will find the region's centroid (if coordinates are not fed through kwargs), then perform a .interp() over the spatial dimensions of the Dataset. The coordinate can also be directly fed to .interp() through the 'kwargs' argument below. 'xesmf' will make use of xESMF's SpatialAverager. This will typically be more precise, especially for irregular regions, but can be much slower than other methods. spatial_subset : bool, optional If True, xscen.spatial.subset will be called prior to the other operations. This requires the 'region' argument. If None, this will automatically become True if 'region' is provided and the subsetting method is either 'cos-lat' or 'mean'. region : dict or str, optional Description of the region and the subsetting method (required fields listed in the Notes). If method=='interp_centroid', this is used to find the region's centroid. If method=='xesmf', the bounding box or shapefile is given to SpatialAverager. Can also be "global", for global averages. This is simply a shortcut for `{'name': 'global', 'method': 'bbox', 'lon_bnds' [-180, 180], 'lat_bnds': [-90, 90]}`. kwargs : dict, optional Arguments to send to either mean(), interp() or SpatialAverager(). For SpatialAverager, one can give `skipna` or `output_chunks` here, to be passed to the averager call itself. simplify_tolerance : float, optional Precision (in degree) used to simplify a shapefile before sending it to SpatialAverager(). The simpler the polygons, the faster the averaging, but it will lose some precision. to_domain : str, optional The domain to assign to the output. If None, the domain of the inputs is preserved. to_level : str, optional The processing level to assign to the output. If None, the processing level of the inputs is preserved. Returns ------- xr.Dataset Returns a Dataset with the spatial dimensions averaged. Notes ----- 'region' required fields: name: str Region name used to overwrite domain in the catalog. method: str ['gridpoint', 'bbox', shape', 'sel'] tile_buffer: float, optional Multiplier to apply to the model resolution. Only used if spatial_subset==True. kwargs Arguments specific to the method used. See Also -------- xarray.Dataset.mean, xarray.Dataset.interp, xesmf.SpatialAverager """ kwargs = kwargs or {} if method == "mean": warnings.warn( "xs.spatial_mean with method=='mean' is deprecated and will be abandoned in a future release. " "Use method=='cos-lat' instead for a more robust but similar method.", category=FutureWarning, ) elif method == "interp_coord": warnings.warn( "xs.spatial_mean with method=='interp_coord' is deprecated. Use method=='interp_centroid' instead.", category=FutureWarning, ) method = "interp_centroid" if call_clisops: warnings.warn( "call_clisops has been renamed and is deprecated. Use spatial_subset instead.", category=FutureWarning, ) spatial_subset = call_clisops if region == "global": region = { "name": "global", "method": "bbox", "lat_bnds": [-90 + 1e-5, 90 - 1e-5], } # `spatial_subset` won't wrap coords on the bbox, we need to fit the system used on ds. if["longitude"].min() >= 0: region["lon_bnds"] = [0, 360] else: region["lon_bnds"] = [-180, 180] if ( (region is not None) and (region["method"] in region) and (isinstance(region[region["method"]], dict)) ): warnings.warn( "You seem to be using a deprecated version of region. Please use the new formatting.", category=FutureWarning, ) region = deepcopy(region) if "buffer" in region: region["tile_buffer"] = region.pop("buffer") _kwargs = region.pop(region["method"]) region.update(_kwargs) if ( (region is not None) and (spatial_subset is None) and (method in ["mean", "cos-lat"]) ):"Automatically turning spatial_subset to True based on inputs.") spatial_subset = True # If requested, call xscen.spatial.subset prior to averaging if spatial_subset: ds = subset(ds, **region) if method == "cos-lat": if "latitude" not in raise ValueError( "Could not determine the latitude name using CF conventions. " "Use kwargs = {lat: str} to specify the coordinate name." ) if "units" not in["latitude"].attrs: logger.warning( f"{ds.attrs.get('cat:id', '')}: Latitude does not appear to have units. Make sure that the computation is right." ) elif["latitude"].attrs["units"] != "degrees_north": logger.warning( f"{ds.attrs.get('cat:id', '')}: Latitude units is '{['latitude'].attrs['units']}', expected 'degrees_north'. " f"Make sure that the computation is right." ) if ((["longitude"].min() < -160) & (["longitude"].max() > 160)) or ( (["longitude"].min() < 20) & (["longitude"].max() > 340) ): logger.warning( "The region appears to be crossing the -180/180° meridian. Bounds computation is currently bugged in cf_xarray. " "Make sure that the computation is right." ) weights = np.cos(np.deg2rad(["latitude"])) if["longitude"].ndim == 1: dims =["longitude"].dims +["latitude"].dims else: if "longitude" not in ds =["longitude", "latitude"]) # Weights the weights by the cell area (in °²) weights = weights * xr.DataArray( shapely.area( shapely.polygons(shapely.linearrings(ds.lon_bounds, ds.lat_bounds)) ),["longitude"].dims,["longitude"].coords, ) dims =["longitude"].dims ds_agg = ds.weighted(weights).mean(dims, keep_attrs=True) # Prepare the History field new_history = ( f"[{'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}] " f"weighted mean(dim={[d for d in['X'] +['Y']]}) using a 'cos-lat' approximation of areacella (in deg2)" ) # This simply calls .mean() over the spatial dimensions elif method == "mean": if "dim" not in kwargs: kwargs["dim"] =["X"] +["Y"] ds_agg = ds.mean(keep_attrs=True, **kwargs) # Prepare the History field new_history = ( f"[{'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}] " f"xarray.mean(dim={kwargs['dim']}) - xarray v{xr.__version__}" ) # This calls .interp() to a pair of coordinates elif method == "interp_centroid": # Find the centroid if region is None: if["X"][0] not in kwargs: kwargs[["X"][0]] = ds[["X"][0]].mean().values if["Y"][0] not in kwargs: kwargs[["Y"][0]] = ds[["Y"][0]].mean().values else: if region["method"] == "gridpoint": if len(region["lon"] != 1): raise ValueError( "Only a single location should be used with interp_centroid." ) centroid = { "lon": region["lon"], "lat": region["lat"], } elif region["method"] == "bbox": centroid = { "lon": np.mean(region["lon_bnds"]), "lat": np.mean(region["lat_bnds"]), } elif region["method"] == "shape": if not isinstance(region["shape"], gpd.GeoDataFrame): s = gpd.read_file(region["shape"]) else: s = region["shape"] if len(s != 1): raise ValueError( "Only a single polygon should be used with interp_centroid." ) centroid = {"lon": s.centroid[0].x, "lat": s.centroid[0].y} else: raise ValueError("'method' not understood.") kwargs.update(centroid) ds_agg = ds.interp(**kwargs) new_history = ( f"[{'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}] " f"xarray.interp(**{kwargs}) - xarray v{xr.__version__}" ) # Uses xesmf.SpatialAverager elif method == "xesmf": if xe is None: raise ImportError( "Method xesmf requires xESMF to work, please install that package." ) # If the region is a bounding box, call shapely and geopandas to transform it into an input compatible with xesmf if region["method"] == "bbox": polygon_geom = region["lon_bnds"][0], region["lat_bnds"][0], region["lon_bnds"][1], region["lat_bnds"][1], ) polygon = gpd.GeoDataFrame(index=[0], geometry=[polygon_geom]) # Prepare the History field new_history = ( f"[{'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}] " f"xesmf.SpatialAverager over {region['lon_bnds']}{region['lat_bnds']} - xESMF v{xe.__version__}" ) # If the region is a shapefile, open with geopandas elif region["method"] == "shape": if not isinstance(region["shape"], gpd.GeoDataFrame): polygon = gpd.read_file(region["shape"]) name = Path(region["shape"]).name else: polygon = region["shape"] name = f"{len(polygon)} polygons" # Simplify the geometries to a given tolerance, if needed. # The simpler the polygons, the faster the averaging, but it will lose some precision. if simplify_tolerance is not None: polygon["geometry"] = polygon.simplify( tolerance=simplify_tolerance, preserve_topology=True ) # Prepare the History field new_history = ( f"[{'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}] " f"xesmf.SpatialAverager over {name} - xESMF v{xe.__version__}" ) else: raise ValueError("'method' should be one of [bbox, shape].") kwargs_copy = deepcopy(kwargs) call_kwargs = {"skipna": kwargs_copy.pop("skipna", False)} if "output_chunks" in kwargs: call_kwargs["output_chunks"] = kwargs_copy.pop("output_chunks") # Pre-emptive segmentization. Same threshold as xESMF, but there's not strong analysis behind this choice geoms = shapely.segmentize(polygon.geometry, 1) if (["longitude"].ndim == 2 and "longitude" not in and "rotated_pole" in ds ): from .regrid import create_bounds_rotated_pole ds = ds.update(create_bounds_rotated_pole(ds)) savg = xe.SpatialAverager(ds, geoms, **kwargs_copy) ds_agg = savg(ds, keep_attrs=True, **call_kwargs) extra_coords = { col: xr.DataArray(polygon[col], dims=("geom",)) for col in polygon.columns if col != "geometry" } extra_coords["geom"] = xr.DataArray(polygon.index, dims=("geom",)) ds_agg = ds_agg.assign_coords(**extra_coords) if len(polygon) == 1: ds_agg = ds_agg.squeeze("geom") else: raise ValueError( "Subsetting method should be ['cos-lat', 'interp_centroid', 'xesmf']" ) # History history = ( new_history + " \n " + ds_agg.attrs["history"] if "history" in ds_agg.attrs else new_history ) ds_agg.attrs["history"] = history # Attrs if to_domain is not None: ds_agg.attrs["cat:domain"] = to_domain if to_level is not None: ds_agg.attrs["cat:processing_level"] = to_level return ds_agg
[docs] @parse_config def produce_horizon( # noqa: C901 ds: xr.Dataset, indicators: Union[ str, os.PathLike, Sequence[Indicator], Sequence[tuple[str, Indicator]], ModuleType, ], *, periods: Optional[Union[list[str], list[list[str]]]] = None, warminglevels: Optional[dict] = None, to_level: Optional[str] = "horizons", period: Optional[list] = None, ) -> xr.Dataset: """ Compute indicators, then the climatological mean, and finally unstack dates in order to have a single dataset with all indicators of different frequencies. Once this is done, the function drops 'time' in favor of 'horizon'. This function computes the indicators and does an interannual mean. It stacks the season and month in different dimensions and adds a dimension `horizon` for the period or the warming level, if given. Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset Input dataset with a time dimension. indicators : Union[str, os.PathLike, Sequence[Indicator], Sequence[Tuple[str, Indicator]], ModuleType] Indicators to compute. It will be passed to the `indicators` argument of `xs.compute_indicators`. periods : list of str or list of lists of str, optional Either [start, end] or list of [start_year, end_year] for the period(s) to be evaluated. If both periods and warminglevels are None, the full time series will be used. warminglevels : dict, optional Dictionary of arguments to pass to `py:func:xscen.subset_warming_level`. If 'wl' is a list, the function will be called for each value and produce multiple horizons. If both periods and warminglevels are None, the full time series will be used. to_level : str, optional The processing level to assign to the output. If there is only one horizon, you can use "{wl}", "{period0}" and "{period1}" in the string to dynamically include that information in the processing level. Returns ------- xr.Dataset Horizon dataset. """ if "warminglevel" in ds and len(ds.warminglevel) != 1: raise ValueError( "Input dataset should only have `warminglevel` dimension of length 1. " "If you want to use produce_horizon for multiple warming levels, " "extract the full time series and use the `warminglevels` argument instead." ) if period is not None: warnings.warn( "The 'period' argument is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use 'periods' instead.", category=FutureWarning, ) periods = [standardize_periods(period, multiple=False)] all_periods = [] if periods is not None: all_periods.extend(standardize_periods(periods)) if warminglevels is not None: if isinstance(warminglevels["wl"], (int, float)): all_periods.append(warminglevels) elif isinstance(warminglevels["wl"], list): template = deepcopy(warminglevels) for wl in warminglevels["wl"]: all_periods.append({**template, "wl": wl}) else: raise ValueError( f"Could not understand the format of warminglevels['wl']: {warminglevels['wl']}" ) if len(all_periods) == 0: all_periods = standardize_periods( [[int(ds.time.dt.year[0]), int(ds.time.dt.year[-1])]] ) out = [] for period in all_periods: if isinstance(period, list): if ds.time.dt.year[0] <= int(period[0]) and ds.time.dt.year[-1] >= int( period[1] ): ds_sub = ds.sel(time=slice(period[0], period[1])) else: warnings.warn( f"The requested period {period} is not fully covered by the input dataset. " "The requested period will be skipped." ) ds_sub = None else: ds_sub = subset_warming_level(ds, **period) if ds_sub is not None: # compute indicators ind_dict = compute_indicators( ds=( ds_sub.squeeze(dim="warminglevel") if "warminglevel" in ds_sub.dims else ds_sub ), indicators=indicators, ) # Compute the window-year mean ds_merge = xr.Dataset() for freq, ds_ind in ind_dict.items(): if freq != "fx": ds_mean = climatological_op( ds_ind, op="mean", # ToDo: make op an argument of produce_horizon rename_variables=False, horizons_as_dim=True, ).drop_vars("time") else: ds_mean = ds_ind.expand_dims( dim={ "horizon": [ f"{ds.time.dt.year[0].item()}-{ds.time.dt.year[-1].item()}" ] } ) ds_mean["horizon"] = ds_mean["horizon"].astype(str) if "warminglevel" in ds_mean.coords: wl = np.array([ds_mean["warminglevel"].item()]) wl_attrs = ds_mean["warminglevel"].attrs ds_mean = ds_mean.drop_vars("warminglevel") ds_mean["horizon"] = wl ds_mean["horizon"].attrs.update(wl_attrs) # put all indicators in one dataset for var in ds_mean.data_vars: ds_merge[var] = ds_mean[var] ds_merge.attrs.update(ds_mean.attrs) out.append(ds_merge) # If automatic attributes are not the same for all indicators, warn the user. if len(out) > 0: for v in out[0].data_vars: if not all( [ all( [ out[0][v].attrs[attr] == out[i][v].attrs[attr] for i in range(1, len(out)) ] ) for attr in ["long_name", "description"] ] ): warnings.warn( f"The attributes for variable {v} are not the same for all horizons, " "probably because the periods were not of the same length. " "Attributes will be kept from the first horizon, but this might not be the most appropriate." ) out = xr.concat(out, dim="horizon") out.attrs["cat:xrfreq"] = "fx" out.attrs["cat:frequency"] = "fx" if to_level: if len(all_periods) == 1: if (isinstance(all_periods[0], dict)) or ( "warminglevel" in ds.dims and warminglevels is None ): to_level = to_level.format( wl=( ds_sub.warminglevel.values[0] if isinstance(all_periods[0], dict) else ds.warminglevel.values[0] ) ) else: to_level = to_level.format( period0=all_periods[0][0], period1=all_periods[0][1] ) out.attrs["cat:processing_level"] = to_level return out else: raise ValueError("No horizon could be computed. Check your inputs.")