4. Ensembles

4.1. Ensemble reduction

This tutorial will explore ensemble reduction (also known as ensemble selection) using xscen. This will use pre-computed annual mean temperatures from xclim.testing.

from xclim.testing import open_dataset

import xscen as xs

datasets = {
    "ACCESS": "EnsembleStats/BCCAQv2+ANUSPLIN300_ACCESS1-0_historical+rcp45_r1i1p1_1950-2100_tg_mean_YS.nc",
    "BNU-ESM": "EnsembleStats/BCCAQv2+ANUSPLIN300_BNU-ESM_historical+rcp45_r1i1p1_1950-2100_tg_mean_YS.nc",
    "CCSM4-r1": "EnsembleStats/BCCAQv2+ANUSPLIN300_CCSM4_historical+rcp45_r1i1p1_1950-2100_tg_mean_YS.nc",
    "CCSM4-r2": "EnsembleStats/BCCAQv2+ANUSPLIN300_CCSM4_historical+rcp45_r2i1p1_1950-2100_tg_mean_YS.nc",
    "CNRM-CM5": "EnsembleStats/BCCAQv2+ANUSPLIN300_CNRM-CM5_historical+rcp45_r1i1p1_1970-2050_tg_mean_YS.nc",

for d in datasets:
    ds = open_dataset(datasets[d]).isel(lon=slice(0, 4), lat=slice(0, 4))
    ds = xs.climatological_op(
        periods=[[1981, 2010], [2021, 2050]],
    datasets[d] = xs.compute_deltas(ds, reference_horizon="1981-2010")
ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_create_from_database: Open of /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/xscen/conda/stable/share/proj failed

4.1.1. Preparing the data

Ensemble reduction is built upon climate indicators that are relevant to represent the ensemble’s variability for a given application. In this case, we’ll use the mean temperature delta between 2021-2050 and 1981-2010, but monthly or seasonal indicators could also be required. The horizons_as_dim argument in climatological_op can help combine indicators of multiple frequencies into a single dataset. Alternatively, xscen.utils.unstack_dates can also accomplish the same thing if the climatological operations have already been computed.

The functions implemented in xclim.ensembles._reduce require a very specific 2-D DataArray of dimensions “realization” and “criteria”. The first solution is to first create an ensemble using xclim.ensembles.create_ensemble, then pass the result to xclim.ensembles.make_criteria. Alternatively, the datasets can be passed directly to xscen.ensembles.reduce_ensemble and the necessary preliminary steps will be accomplished automatically.

In this example, the number of criteria will corresponds to: indicators x horizons x longitude x latitude, but criteria that are purely NaN across all realizations will be removed.

Note that xs.spatial_mean could have been used prior to calling that function to remove the spatial dimensions.

4.1.2. Selecting a reduced ensemble


Ensemble reduction in xscen is built upon xclim.ensembles. For more information on basic usage and available methods, please consult their documentation.

Ensemble reduction through xscen.reduce_ensemble consists in a simple call to xclim. The arguments are: - data, which is the aforementioned 2D DataArray, or the list/dict of datasets required to build it. - method is either kkz or kmeans. See the link above for further details on each technique. - horizons is used to instruct on which horizon(s) to build the data from, if data needs to be constructed. - create_kwargs, the arguments to pass to xclim.ensembles.create_ensemble if data needs to be constructed. - kwargs is a dictionary of arguments to send to the clustering method chosen.

selected, clusters, fig_data = xs.reduce_ensemble(
    data=datasets, method="kmeans", horizons=["2021-2050"], max_clusters=3

The method always returns 3 outputs (selected, clusters, fig_data): - selected is a DataArray of dimension ‘realization’ listing the selected simulations. - clusters (kmeans only) groups every realization in their respective clusters in a python dictionary. - fig_data (kmeans only) can be used to call xclim.ensembles.plot_rsqprofile(fig_data)

<xarray.DataArray 'realization' (realization: 3)> Size: 96B
array(['ACCESS', 'BNU-ESM', 'CNRM-CM5'], dtype='<U8')
  * realization  (realization) <U8 96B 'ACCESS' 'BNU-ESM' 'CNRM-CM5'
    axis:     E
# To see the clusters in more details
{0: <xarray.DataArray 'realization' (realization: 3)> Size: 96B
 array(['ACCESS', 'CCSM4-r1', 'CCSM4-r2'], dtype='<U8')
   * realization  (realization) <U8 96B 'ACCESS' 'CCSM4-r1' 'CCSM4-r2'
     axis:     E,
 1: <xarray.DataArray 'realization' (realization: 1)> Size: 32B
 array(['BNU-ESM'], dtype='<U8')
   * realization  (realization) <U8 32B 'BNU-ESM'
     axis:     E,
 2: <xarray.DataArray 'realization' (realization: 1)> Size: 32B
 array(['CNRM-CM5'], dtype='<U8')
   * realization  (realization) <U8 32B 'CNRM-CM5'
     axis:     E}

4.2. Ensemble partition

This tutorial will show how to use xscen to create the input for xclim partition functions.

# Get catalog
from pathlib import Path

output_folder = Path().absolute() / "_data"
cat = xs.DataCatalog(str(output_folder / "tutorial-catalog.json"))

# create a dictionnary of datasets wanted for the partition
input_dict = cat.search(variable="tas", member="r1i1p1f1").to_dataset_dict(
    xarray_open_kwargs={"engine": "h5netcdf"}

--> The keys in the returned dictionary of datasets are constructed as follows:
100.00% [4/4 00:00<00:00]

From a dictionary of datasets, the function creates a dataset with new dimensions in partition_dim(["source", "experiment", "bias_adjust_project"], if they exist). In this toy example, we only have different experiments. - By default, it translates the xscen vocabulary (eg. experiment) to the xclim partition vocabulary (eg. scenario). It is possible to pass rename_dict to rename the dimensions with other names. - If the inputs are not on the same grid, they can be regridded through regrid_kw or subset to a point through subset_kw. The functions assumes that if there are different bias_adjust_project, they will be on different grids (with all source on the same grid). If there is one or less bias_adjust_project, the assumption is thatsource have different grids. - You can also compute indicators on the data if the input is daily. This can be especially useful when the daily input data is on different calendars.

# build a single dataset
import xclim as xc

ds = xs.ensembles.build_partition_data(
    subset_kw=dict(name="mtl", method="gridpoint", lat=[45.5], lon=[-73.6]),
    indicators_kw={"indicators": [xc.atmos.tg_mean]},
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 220B
Dimensions:   (time: 2, scenario: 4, model: 1)
  * time      (time) datetime64[ns] 16B 2001-01-01 2002-01-01
  * scenario  (scenario) object 32B 'ssp126' 'ssp245' 'ssp370' 'ssp585'
  * model     (model) <U23 92B 'NCC_NorESM2-MM_r1i1p1f1'
    lat       float64 8B 45.0
    lon       int64 8B -74
Data variables:
    tg_mean   (scenario, model, time) float64 64B dask.array<chunksize=(4, 1, 2), meta=np.ndarray>
Attributes: (12/22)
    comment:                 This is a test file created for the xscen tutori...
    version:                 v20191108
    intake_esm_vars:         ['tas']
    cat:id:                  CMIP6_ScenarioMIP_NCC_NorESM2-MM_ssp370_r1i1p1f1...
    cat:type:                simulation
    cat:processing_level:    indicators
    ...                      ...
    cat:date_start:          2001-01-01 00:00:00
    cat:date_end:            2002-12-31 00:00:00
    cat:_data_format_:       nc
    cat:path:                /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds...
    intake_esm_dataset_key:  CMIP6_ScenarioMIP_NCC_NorESM2-MM_ssp370_r1i1p1f1...
    history:                 [2024-05-07 19:20:41] gridpoint spatial subsetti...

Pass the input to an xclim partition function.

# compute uncertainty partitionning
mean, uncertainties = xc.ensembles.hawkins_sutton(ds.tg_mean)
<xarray.DataArray (uncertainty: 4, time: 4)> Size: 128B
dask.array<concatenate, shape=(4, 4), dtype=float64, chunksize=(1, 2), chunktype=numpy.ndarray>
    lat          float64 8B 45.0
    lon          int64 8B -74
  * time         (time) object 32B 2001-01-01 00:00:00 ... 2004-01-01 00:00:00
  * uncertainty  (uncertainty) object 32B 'variability' 'model' ... 'total'
    model:     ['NCC_NorESM2-MM_r1i1p1f1']
    scenario:  ['ssp126' 'ssp245' 'ssp370' 'ssp585']


Note that the figanos library provides a function fg.partition to plot the uncertainties.